Hi there guys having some libido and soft penis issues during a test-e only cycle of 750 mg a week. Here is some info bout me
Im 28 years old, 207 pounds with 18% bf checked with calipers, have been training for bout 5-6 years not including time offs. This will be my 3rd cycle overall and first cycle after taking a break for almost 2 years i started working out again in march.
From what i remember during my first cycle 500 mg test-3/40mg dbol and my second cycle test-e/dbol/deca i was having errections that where out of this world and would last for a while but during my current cycle of test-e 750mg 3rd week in, my errections have been even worse that what i had before the cycle and having issues keeping my penis hard.
I'm not sure is it stress related or my estrogen levels are through the roof and atm i cant check my hormone levels, what do u suggest as an anti-e that wont hinder my gains to much.
Also might be worth nothing, because my body fat atm is alot higher than my prev 2 cycles im keeping my calories at max 2000 calories a day. Could the lowered calorie intake somehow make my estrogen levels higher than they should be.