Right now I just finished my first week of test cypionate 500mg. Believe it or not, my diet is definitely in check. I've eaten less than 2500 calories every single day. I'm 6'1' 209lbs at the moment.
Is it possible that I've just gained water weight from the test?
Day 1: 205lbs (pinned 250mg Test-C, Aromasin 25mg)
Day 2: 204.5lbs
Day 3: 205.3lbs
Day 4: 206.5lbs (pinned 250mg Test-C, Aromasin 12.5mg)
Day 5: 210.2lbs
Day 6: 209lbs (took aromasin 12.5mg)
Day 7: 209.2lbs (today)
Any advice would be appreciated.