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Thread: Second Cycle Plan

  1. #1

    Second Cycle Plan

    Hello everyone,

    This is my second cycle plan.
    I am 22 yo my stats are : height 183 cm weight 76 kg and my bodyfat is around 8 - 10%.
    First Cycle Was : Deca week 1-12 200 mg per week - Sustanon 250 week 1-12 200 mg per week - Dianabol week 1-8 25 mg daily. No AI.
    To say that my first cycle was the world's worst first cycle would be an under statement. I know better know.
    It's been 12 weeks since my last injection. I did proper PCT and I'm waiting on my bloodwork results at the moment.
    My goal is to bulk up as much as I can while minimizing fat gains.
    My diet will be something like 2800 - 3000 kcal ed. High in Carbs and moderately high in Protein.

    Provided bloodwork comes back healthy, this is my planned second cycle:
    TEST E / C week 1-12 500 mg per week, 2 inj.
    Dianabol week 1-4 25 mg daily.
    arimidex 0.25 eod
    hcg 500 iu per week
    PCT : wait 18 days after last inj then start.
    week 1-2 nolva 40 clomid 50
    week 3-4 nolva 20 clomid 50

    I have some questions.
    1) Do you think that the AI dosage is ok? Can i go higher at 1mg e3d?
    2) For a long ester, would it be best to inject Test E OR Test C?
    3)Can I mix HCG with Test in the syringe?
    4) Would it be overall better if I took out Dianabol from the cycle?
    5) If I was to use Dianabol, can I use it for weeks 4-8 instead of 1-4? what would be the diffrence?
    6) Do you have any other comments or advice on my planned cycle? Is there anything that I'm missing in terms of protection?

    Thank you ... any comment is welcome
    Last edited by Polyer1414; 08-03-2016 at 02:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Training in crocs & socks
    6) If you're 6' and under 170 lbs, at 22 y.o. you don't need to use anabolics (and shouldn't) you can gain quality pounds by improving your diet.

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