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Thread: Advice on buying and where to train please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Advice on buying and where to train please.

    Hi guys,

    I am heading to poland to visit some family for a short while in a few months, I have read that you can buy legit primobolan in Turkey, so I figure that while I am there (I rarely go and the plane trip is expensive), I should do a trip to Turkey and buy some primoboloan and bring the stuff back to somewhere to train for a couple of months.

    Does this sound like a good plan? Is the stuff there still good to buy? Has anyone done this recently?

    What would be the best way to go about this? I would need to find some cheap accommodation somewhere with a gym nearby (i cannot stay with the family after I leave) does anyone know the best way to go about doing this? Maybe suggest some good places to rent and train? Also advice on buying would be good too. Cheers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Poland and Turkey are not exactly close.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Dont know about Turkey, but Poland wont get you anything in pharmacies unless you have a legit prescription (in terms of steroid hormones etc)

    Turkey, may be a little different regulations.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Thanks guys, I play a quite a bit of soccer, (defender) and sometimes tennis, so I am not looking to bulk up lots, just something like Cristiano Ronaldo. I am pretty tall about 1.94 meters, I want to add about 5-10kg of good muscle, and lower fat a bit more (I am already healthy with about 15 - 20% fat). I want to take as least as much damage to my health of course. I have never used roids before, and I have trained and ate correctly for the past 10 years. I am pretty sure anavar would work, but I read that primobolan is better, trouble is getting it, and getting really well educated on the topic is a little difficult I am finding, obviously because roids are illegal and no one wants us to use them.

    I mean really though, what I am trying to achieve is not all that bad right...? There is no way I will stick out like a sore thumb walking down the street.. people won't notice me as too big, and generally I will just bit leaner, better cut and a bit stronger, which is what I think most people in general want. The trouble is these people cannot achieve it cause either they are too lazy, or are tired of looking for correct supps, roids, or getting ripped off, is illegal / too hard to do in their community. Eating right and training will never be a problem with me, I am dedicated. Is what I am trying to achieve sound like something good? Perhaps maybe even noble? I think I am right for pursing it... at least I think so...
    Last edited by lanz; 08-05-2016 at 06:08 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    wsup, I wonder what are your stats?

    see, getting right roids and even the best stuff is easy comparing in running them correctly for best gains and looking after yourself while on it, then coming off and doing proper PCT so you would return to your natty hormone levels (if lucky) an carry on with your life as usual, besides getting 5-10kg of lean muscle should be doable and realisticly speaking that is the most you should expect from 12 week cycle after pct is done and all water-weight is lost and if you recover to good test levels you should not have problem maintaining it... but consider this its 12 week run on roids plus ~6-8 week pct then lay off of everything for a some time while checking with your doc if your body recovered and you should know if you permanently broke your hormonal system and now you should do TRT for life or are you back to old self.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Thanks insane muscle, you are totally right, it does sound a little risky I would really hate for my test production to be screwed up forever. I imagine the chances of that happening are pretty low as many people are using gear. I am going to have a good look at the thread link you gave me and see what is available. My stats are as follows:

    height: 195 cm
    weight: 94 kg
    age: 31

    I have been lifting for about 10 -13 years and have done pretty well naturally but can no longer really progress. I am a pretty thin guy naturally so my current weight is to be about expected. I am looking forward to trying out some good stuff and seeing how I go.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    Dont know about Turkey, but Poland wont get you anything in pharmacies unless you have a legit prescription (in terms of steroid hormones etc)

    Turkey, may be a little different regulations.
    My wife bougth easily superdrol and h-stane in Poland last summer. She just visited a supplement shop. Talk and smiled to a man Who looked like a bodybuilder and said she wanted some real shit.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    yea, now thats a real pharmacy

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    My wife bougth easily superdrol and h-stane in Poland last summer. She just visited a supplement shop. Talk and smiled to a man Who looked like a bodybuilder and said she wanted some real shit.
    Thanks Siloban. That is interesting, Superdrol was legal in the US until about 2012, I have read that the stuff is pretty harsh and you need to use it for no more than 3-4 weeks at a time due to liver problems. It will be interesting to see what kind of stuff they have and how it goes, that might be a good alternative, I really don't want to travel to dangerous countries if I can avoid it. I will check it out for sure. Great stuff Siloban !

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    You are right there insaneMuscle. I am not so sure of doing a cycle atm due to the health risks (also given I have had previous health issues), and I wander if anyway exists (supps etc..) now or will be in the future that allow people to do a decent bulk (beyond that of what is possible now with just diet and training) to put on say about 10-20% of their natural bodyweight (so nothing huge) without any risks to their health at all (or almost negligible). I guess current research and advancement would suggest so, so maybe in 10-20 years or so people will be able to do a decent bulk without all the side problems we see today. I guess maybe it could exist now? But is maybe fogged in all the money making marketing schemes, (if it does exist, it is one hell of a secret cause I have really searched). The closest way to do it I have seen atm is with primobolan (which some claim to be easily the best and with little or no sides), and that even has it's league of criticisers and apparent risks.

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