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  1. #1
    nmk85roll's Avatar
    nmk85roll is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2002

    possible adjustments?

    hey guys, I'm in the second week of my cutting cycle and I think I might need a little help. After I do my workout, I do my cardio for 30 minutes. I've been running at 6.0 mph at a 3.0 incline. My heartrate is getting up to 160-170 bpm. Before I do my cardio, after I lift, I just get these AWESOME pumps. When I'm done with my cardio, I feel so small and shrunk. Am I doing too much? I mean give or take it is 30 minutes later and I probably would lose my pump anyway by then, don't ya think? Think I need to change anything? Below is a cut and past from a previous thread where I stated my entire training program. Do you think I should adjust my cardio or am I just flippin' out about nothing in my second week? Thanks bros.

    I'm 180 5'9" at 10%bf.

    First, my diet is around 2200 calories, 250g protein, 100g carbs, and 90g fat. Carbs are split between oatmeal in the morning and dextrose/malto after my workout. I'm eating 5 meals a day, each at an average of 450 calories and 50g of protein.

    Second, I am doing cardio 4x a week post workout for 30 minutes. In the morning, I like doing 12-15 sprints at a distance of 40 yards. I'll be doing these 3-4 times a week as well.

    Third, I'm hitting the gym five days a week. I'm trying a new training split with the back routine divided into vertical and horizontal pulling, thus two days a week. The rest is two opposing muscles groups a day, no more than 20 sets per workout (10 per muscle group).

    Fourth, the cycle...
    Weeks 1-10 prop at 50mg/d
    Weeks 1-8 tren at 75mg/d
    weeks 7-10 winny at 50mg/d
    Liquidex at .25mg/d
    Nolva on hand
    Clen and ECA alternating every two weeks with typical ramp up on clen.
    Also will be supplementing creatine, ALA, taurine, milk thistle, and glutamine.

  2. #2
    nmk85roll's Avatar
    nmk85roll is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    bump for anyone

  3. #3
    KeyMastur is offline VET
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Try splitting up your cardio and weight workouts. Maybe do one in the morning and the other in the afternoon / evening.

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