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Thread: can cytomel or ketosis cause memory loss?

  1. #1

    can cytomel or ketosis cause memory loss?

    My stats are

    26 years old
    5'10 195 pounds maybe 17 to 20 percent body fat a fairly small frame (I can curl 60 pounds dumbells 6 reps without cheating and bench 225 about 15 times before I was carb depleted).
    I've been lifting weights for many years got fairly big but struggle to get a six pack.
    I'm doing a keto and not bothering with a carb up phase as I've heard cytomel is notorious for sucking up glycogen and makes load up phases almost impossible
    I'm on a 1500-1800 cal diet consuming maybe 200 grams of protein and 40-50 grams of fat 20-50 grams of carbs a day (I have a scale and measure my food and log everything onto my fitapp) so i'd consider it pretty accurate.
    I take a vitamin pill every day as ketosis makes it hard to get all the proper nutrients.

    I am taking

    Test prop 350mg a week 1-4 100 mg eod
    Test e 500mg a week 1- 6 to 8 depending on how long it takes to get to my desired bf 250mg twice a week
    and t-3 which is turkish tiromel which I've slowly ramped up to 100 mcg. I'll probably decrease as I get more cut to prevent muscle breakdown. I'll do a maximum of 6-8 weeks. I'm not taking clen with it as I don't respond well to it and get much more side effects. ( I have no idea why anyone thinks its safer than cytomel).
    My aim is to get 6% percent body fat.

    My question is what could be causing my short-term memory loss. i'm in about week 2 and so far I've been experiencing memory loss and a little bit of confusion . I've always been kinda spacey, but I have gotten much more so lately. I'm constantly forgetting to bring my lock to the gym locker when I put my clothes away (sometimes I did before but not like this.). I forget that I had games on. 2 weeks ago my memory was much better. I figuring its either my ketosis, cytomel, or low cals.
    Last edited by abombman; 08-06-2016 at 10:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by abombman View Post
    My stats are

    26 years old
    5'10 195 pounds maybe 17 to 20 percent body fat a fairly small frame (I can curl 60 pounds dumbells 6 reps without cheating and bench 225 about 15 times before I was carb depleted).
    I've been lifting weights for many years got fairly big but struggle to get a six pack.
    I'm doing a keto and not bothering with a carb up phase as I've heard cytomel is notorious for sucking up glycogen and makes load up phases almost impossible
    I'm on a 1500-1800 cal diet consuming maybe 200 grams of protein and 40-50 grams of fat 20-50 grams of carbs a day (I have a scale and measure my food and log everything onto my fitapp) so i'd consider it pretty accurate. 20-50 grams of carbs
    I do about 30-35 minutes of moderate to high intensity cardio
    I take a vitamin pill every day as ketosis makes it hard to get all the proper nutrients.

    I am taking

    Test prop 350mg a week 1-4 100 mg eod
    Test e 500mg a week 1- 6 to 8 depending on how long it takes to get to my desired bf 250mg twice a week
    and t-3 which is turkish tiromel which I've slowly ramped up to 100 mcg. I'll probably decrease as I get more cut to prevent muscle breakdown. I'll do a maximum of 6-8 weeks. I'm not taking clen with it as I don't respond well to it and get much more side effects. ( I have no idea why anyone thinks its safer than cytomel).
    My aim is to get 6% percent body fat.

    My question is what could be causing my short-term memory loss. i'm in about week 2 and so far I've been experiencing memory loss and a little bit of confusion . I've always been kinda spacey, but I have gotten much more so lately. I'm constantly forgetting to bring my lock to the gym locker when I put my clothes away (sometimes I did before but not like this.). I forget that I had games on. 2 weeks ago my memory was much better. I figuring its either my ketosis, cytomel, or low cals.
    Running a big calorie deficit, like you are, will, most likely, be the cause of this. I have had this problem myself. If do a quick YouTube look you'll find many competitors talking about this phenomena. I did not only experience this but also emotional detachment. In the end, unless I am going up on stage again I'll stay at my 10-15% body fat and feel awesome.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    T3 affects your brain to an extent you cannot imagine, don't be surprised of these small sides in functioning.

    You will eventually adapt, but if not, lower dosage.

    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Running a big calorie deficit, like you are, will, most likely, be the cause of this. I have had this problem myself. If do a quick YouTube look you'll find many competitors talking about this phenomena. I did not only experience this but also emotional detachment. In the end, unless I am going up on stage again I'll stay at my 10-15% body fat and feel awesome.
    Were you running T3 too? Calorie deficit trigger metabolism slowdown by reducing endogenous T3. Being myself hypothyroid, I'm acquainted with the feeling of detachment.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    While on keto diet, you really want to look after your brain, are you getting enough omega 3 and 6, also are you using coconut oil/mtc oil? Also, I found B12 methylcolabamin worked well for my memory while on keto.

    I too recall having memory issues and it usually came in after carbups before I was getting depleted during the week for another carbup.

    Plus youre low on fat with this diet and ok with protein(moderate-high), and for your weight youre using too little amount of kcals IMO, youre exercising and all, youre burning this amount of kcal just by staying stationary all day, I am almost certain youre on 400-700kcal deficit easily with your stats.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    T3 affects your brain to an extent you cannot imagine, don't be surprised of these small sides in functioning.

    You will eventually adapt, but if not, lower dosage.

    Were you running T3 too? Calorie deficit trigger metabolism slowdown by reducing endogenous T3. Being myself hypothyroid, I'm acquainted with the feeling of detachment.
    No, I was running T4.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    No, I was running T4.
    That might be ineffective.. the body downregulate the deiodinases that convert T4 to T3 while in a calorie/nutrient deficit.

    Also large doses of T4 can impact negatively the conversion.

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