My stats are
26 years old
5'10 195 pounds maybe 17 to 20 percent body fat a fairly small frame (I can curl 60 pounds dumbells 6 reps without cheating and bench 225 about 15 times before I was carb depleted).
I've been lifting weights for many years got fairly big but struggle to get a six pack.
I'm doing a keto and not bothering with a carb up phase as I've heard cytomel is notorious for sucking up glycogen and makes load up phases almost impossible
I'm on a 1500-1800 cal diet consuming maybe 200 grams of protein and 40-50 grams of fat 20-50 grams of carbs a day (I have a scale and measure my food and log everything onto my fitapp) so i'd consider it pretty accurate.
I take a vitamin pill every day as ketosis makes it hard to get all the proper nutrients.
I am taking
Test prop 350mg a week 1-4 100 mg eod
Test e 500mg a week 1- 6 to 8 depending on how long it takes to get to my desired bf 250mg twice a week
and t-3 which is turkish tiromel which I've slowly ramped up to 100 mcg. I'll probably decrease as I get more cut to prevent muscle breakdown. I'll do a maximum of 6-8 weeks. I'm not taking clen with it as I don't respond well to it and get much more side effects. ( I have no idea why anyone thinks its safer than cytomel).
My aim is to get 6% percent body fat.
My question is what could be causing my short-term memory loss. i'm in about week 2 and so far I've been experiencing memory loss and a little bit of confusion . I've always been kinda spacey, but I have gotten much more so lately. I'm constantly forgetting to bring my lock to the gym locker when I put my clothes away (sometimes I did before but not like this.). I forget that I had games on. 2 weeks ago my memory was much better. I figuring its either my ketosis, cytomel, or low cals.