Hi all,
I cant help but think that a lot of the advice I hear given out around when to start PCT is wrong, largely because no consideration has been taken as to the test ester used on cycle.
Generic advice like "2 weeks after your last pin", IMO, only applies to shorter esters.
With a lot of people using mixed ester test like sust, the half-life of decanoate means you will still have significant levels of test swishing around in your blood for at least 30-45 days. Technically, you could say you are still "on cycle", tapering down.
See this link http://forums.steroid.com/educationa...half-life.html
If SERMS do not work to aid recovery on cycle, then they should not be used until exogenous test has been totally eliminated from the blood. IMO, some people using sust will come out of their PCT still "on cycle", having not benefited from the PCT whatsoever.
Im not an expert by any means but I kinda put 2 and 2 together. Anyone else feeling my logic?