SOOOOO im 21 i run 1 month test-e at 400mg then 1 month at 550 mg and now im currently at 2 months and 5 days and 750 mg test im taking liv52 DS ED __arimidex 0,25 EOD__hcg 500 iu with every test e shot ___ im pinning E3D ___(i had some gyno at around week 8 which went away in 1 week of nolva)in 3 months from there is a contest here which i would like to win :P so my question is.Is it worth it to run the cycle for another 3 months (so 6 months in total ) and add some tren e and some deca with slin and win the fuckker or should i keep my medicines for another cycle and go to pct ?so far i gained 10 kgs or 20 pounds
STATS : 5'6'' and weight 80kgs (176lbs) 12-13% BF