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  1. #1
    matthewsb is offline New Member
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    Aug 2016

    Second Cycle Advice - First One Went Very Wrong

    Hi Guys,

    I am considering, but by no means hell bent on giving anabolics another go. I went in very green on my first cycle, believed everything that I was told by one eccentric and didn't do the reading up I should of done. I am a rather unusual case in that I have JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy), and I discovered that steroids can interfere with the condition. Here's how the first cycle went, and how it went wrong...

    I managed to injure my shoulder, and a guy who used to train with me let on I could get back to training in no time with a short course of sus and deca he just so happened to be pedalling at the time. I used it at pitifully small concentrations it turns out, i think it was 250 sus and 150 deca once a week for about a month or two, I forget exactly as this was about three years ago.

    True to form, my shoulder healed up pretty quick, and i put on a little strength and mass. Then came time to get off the gear, so I asked for some PCT, but he said I didn't need it for small ammounts. The problems came about three or four weeks after I came off it, when my epilepsy went absoloutely bananas, it was impossible to get anything done and without moaning to much, it was a thoroughly unpleasant six months to a year while I got it under control again.

    Previous to this I had been 100% drug controlled on sodium valproate for many years ( I am in my late twenties and have had this since my mid teens), so the chances of this being down to anything else are quite slim. I want to have another go at a successful cycle, but not if it means a repeat of what happened last time. Is there any advice that you guys could offer me, is there any way for a lifter with my complaint to use anabolic assistance?

    I am very grateful for your advice guys :-)

  2. #2
    Slogen is offline New Member
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    Jul 2016
    Take it easy man research hard what are your goals stats so we can guide you in the right step also age?

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well if aas can interfere with your condition there is no reason for you to even consider cycling.You are just asking for trouble.IMOP stay natty bro.

  4. #4
    matthewsb is offline New Member
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    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Well if aas can interfere with your condition there is no reason for you to even consider cycling.You are just asking for trouble.IMOP stay natty bro.
    I fear you may be right you know, I'm going to keep my eye out for anyone with a similar condition who's used aas sucessfully and see if they have any magical answers, but sadly i think natty might be my only option.
    I'm in my late twenties for the record slogen, and my aims were to put on a little lean mass in 3-6 months time when I've got back into peak condition, but I think i may need to adjust my goals for something a little more attainable without aas.

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