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Thread: Cruise Vs PCT two cycles only

  1. #1

    Cruise Vs PCT two cycles only

    Going to keep this short and simple because this is on my phone and I don't want to bore you guys with tons of details and a story , I know you would like more details but I rather get this delt with first I have exsperiance with AAS and my pro trainer but what he does and I do are different for many reasons he's does it for life so sometimes what he recommended isn't always the smartest for everyone like myself but he's great help

    I'm looking to do two cycles back to back. Minimum

    Doing tren / test first well under way 6 weeks in than second will be tren / test / deca , or something along those lines I'm doing a 1 year bulk or so...

    Now I'm wondering if I'm honestly just better off to cruise for 2-3 months low test dosage into my next cycle rather than two pcts that are harsh on my body specially if I'm going back into a cycle 100% So why not cruise to the second cycle than pct after that one or do you think this is a dumb idea ?

    Currently cycle

    Test 200mg EOD
    Tren 200mg EOD
    Aromasin 12.5mg EOD ( Might change tbis to ED )

    Now if I cruise I drop everything even the AI and run a low test dosas around 200-300 per week probably two injects to keep bloods stable

    Pct I have the typical Nov and clomid on hand
    Last edited by Jonbana; 08-12-2016 at 05:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    That is a boat load of tren. How are you feeling on it? I was up to 525 and hated the feeling. I think next prep I will try my best to stick to 350mg of a good reputable lab as it seemed to work just fine for me the prep before.

    AI should be kept in during the cruise but just adjusted to a lower dose.

    If I was in your shoes I would just listen to my pro trainer and go with what he says. Especially if you are paying him for an off season protocol. Personally, I bring my coach in during prep to dial me in and kind of just like to play around with things in the off season. But if you are paying someone for expertise I don't see the need to tamper with it..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I wouldnt say cruising at your age is a smart thing.But it your body!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    If your already using tren, and plan to possibly use tren with decca for your next cycle while staying on for a whole year. You should realize that you may not recover your natural levels ever, and will need trt for life. You have to make the decision in the end.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    do you man take this needle to be your lawful wedded wife until death do you part? big decision yea?

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    East Coast Dungeon
    Other than bulking what's your goal? Do you plan on competing?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    That is a boat load of tren. How are you feeling on it? I was up to 525 and hated the feeling. I think next prep I will try my best to stick to 350mg of a good reputable lab as it seemed to work just fine for me the prep before.

    AI should be kept in during the cruise but just adjusted to a lower dose.

    If I was in your shoes I would just listen to my pro trainer and go with what he says. Especially if you are paying him for an off season protocol. Personally, I bring my coach in during prep to dial me in and kind of just like to play around with things in the off season. But if you are paying someone for expertise I don't see the need to tamper with it..
    I was in 100mg EOD for 5 weeks so we upped it to 200mg and I actually feel better only sides or sweating and sleep problems

    We he wants me to cruise , I realize this would be best to keep gains but I'm wondering will I be able to recover after two cycles with a cruise and not pct till the end

    He cruises for life I don't think I want that I cannot tell the future things do change

  8. #8
    That's my main concern I'm wondering it I would be able to recover or not I was on trt for one year before and stopped and I have. Or al levels 1 year later so I start a new cycle so I did recover from being on trt before but I've always had low count.

    Now pct v's cruise what's the main draw backs of a cruise besides trt any major health warnings you need to worry about v's a pct

    My goal for now is continue to eat clean get big as possible and cut been strict with myself since I started I enjoy this hobby / life. As for competing not sure don't plan on it

    I will be working at a local gym and currently getting my training certificate so this will be my life hopefully

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