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Bloods at 6 and 12 weeks into my prev cycle had no cholesterol issues, im aware that im planning a longer and harder(tren) cycle this time around and with using short esters and checking bloods frequently to make sure if anythings out of whack i can catch it fast enough (i hope).
Masteron is an option but i may not even use it if im enjoying the results from the tren, i probly should have added that to the OP. Would you suggest adding in proviron towards the end as an option instead of the masteron due to its higher affinity to SHBG?
As for the too long, how so? People blast and cruise for years on end, what makes 20 weeks too long for a blast if im using HCG throughout, monitoring hormones and blood values (undecided if i will cruise after or not).
I assume by AR u mean androgen receptors, could you explain why you believe they will be useless towards the end of the cycle? Im aware that there is some theories of androgen receptor down regulation but is there any evidence of this in any literature that you can share?
Have not got much knowledge on peptides or their use to be honest. Youre post didnt come across as negative at all, i appreciate the input!