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Thread: 4th cycle advice/opinions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    4th cycle advice/opinions

    Hey guys im looking to start my 4th cycle. First 2 were just test E 500, 2nd with anavar and tbol added.
    3rd cycle was prop & NPP @ 100mg eod for 20 weeks total, NPP for 18 of the 20 weeks. - Loved NPP, had no bad sides, used caber from week 9 onwards at 0.25mg 2x week.

    Keen to start another one this year and this is the plan.

    wk 1-8 test E 0.5ml 3x week (375mg/wk)
    wk 1-7 NPP 1.2ml 3x week (360mg/wk)
    wk 1-4 turinabol 50mg ED
    This will be my lean gain phase, then transition into a cut;

    wk 9-20 test prop 70mg EOD
    wk 9-15(or 19) tren ace 100mg EOD ~ Will assess how body reacts on the tren by week 15, if sides are bad i will switch back to NPP 150mg EOD and up the prop to 100mg, if not i will continue with same doses til week 19.
    wk 15-20 masteron 100mg EOD
    wk 16-20 turinabol 50mg ED

    aromasin 12.5mg ED (may up it to 18mg ED as needed)
    raloxifene 30mg ED (may up to 60mg ED as needed)
    hcg 250iu 2x a week(starting week 2)
    Caber on hand, doubt i will need it until the tren.

    Any advice or opinions on what to change or goes it sound good?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    That is one bad thought out cycle! Not to even mention at 22 your 4th cycle you will have problems down the road.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    That is one bad thought out cycle! Not to even mention at 22 your 4th cycle you will have problems down the road.
    Im actually 26 and will be 27 shortly. Could you explain why its a badly thought out cycle? Im here to take criticism if it comes with explanation/reasoning, not based on an assumed age.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by zeeibi View Post

    Im actually 26 and will be 27 shortly. Could you explain why its a badly thought out cycle? Im here to take criticism if it comes with explanation/reasoning, not based on an assumed age.
    Your cholestrol should be pretty fried even before tren and you quit with masteron which is real nasty on cholestrol.

    Almost forced to donate. U know everything about that?

    Too long. Your ARs will be pretty useless at the end. You may keep your gains but when taking a healthrisk you should expect more than just status quo.

    When considering 20 weeks, where are you peptides?

    Inserting some gh igf1 raisers will give you more at a lower cost.

    Dont mean to be negative. Thousands of guys doing a lot more. Just my first personall thoughs when i red it.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Your cholestrol should be pretty fried even before tren and you quit with masteron which is real nasty on cholestrol.

    Almost forced to donate. U know everything about that?

    Too long. Your ARs will be pretty useless at the end. You may keep your gains but when taking a healthrisk you should expect more than just status quo.

    When considering 20 weeks, where are you peptides?

    Inserting some gh igf1 raisers will give you more at a lower cost.

    Dont mean to be negative. Thousands of guys doing a lot more. Just my first personall thoughs when i red it.
    Bloods at 6 and 12 weeks into my prev cycle had no cholesterol issues, im aware that im planning a longer and harder(tren) cycle this time around and with using short esters and checking bloods frequently to make sure if anythings out of whack i can catch it fast enough (i hope).
    Masteron is an option but i may not even use it if im enjoying the results from the tren, i probly should have added that to the OP. Would you suggest adding in proviron towards the end as an option instead of the masteron due to its higher affinity to SHBG?

    As for the too long, how so? People blast and cruise for years on end, what makes 20 weeks too long for a blast if im using HCG throughout, monitoring hormones and blood values (undecided if i will cruise after or not).
    I assume by AR u mean androgen receptors, could you explain why you believe they will be useless towards the end of the cycle? Im aware that there is some theories of androgen receptor down regulation but is there any evidence of this in any literature that you can share?

    Have not got much knowledge on peptides or their use to be honest. Youre post didnt come across as negative at all, i appreciate the input!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by zeeibi View Post

    Bloods at 6 and 12 weeks into my prev cycle had no cholesterol issues, im aware that im planning a longer and harder(tren) cycle this time around and with using short esters and checking bloods frequently to make sure if anythings out of whack i can catch it fast enough (i hope).
    Masteron is an option but i may not even use it if im enjoying the results from the tren, i probly should have added that to the OP. Would you suggest adding in proviron towards the end as an option instead of the masteron due to its higher affinity to SHBG?

    As for the too long, how so? People blast and cruise for years on end, what makes 20 weeks too long for a blast if im using HCG throughout, monitoring hormones and blood values (undecided if i will cruise after or not).
    I assume by AR u mean androgen receptors, could you explain why you believe they will be useless towards the end of the cycle? Im aware that there is some theories of androgen receptor down regulation but is there any evidence of this in any literature that you can share?

    Have not got much knowledge on peptides or their use to be honest. Youre post didnt come across as negative at all, i appreciate the input!
    Last first. I have limited peptideknowledge myself. So i use mk677. A real safe gh igf1 raiser. With LOTS of other goodies also.

    Why?...i have done 20+ cycles and i have yet to notice gains after week 6. Possible have not twisted enough, and im gonna change from week to week next time, but stagnation is a wellknown fact. And i have never seen superbig blaster/cruisers. Look at Bostin and his friend. They are shootin g all day all year but are not impressive. Last iheard was his friend saying he didnt gain more from 100 mg tren ed. So now he would go for 150 mg tren ed.
    That is a circle you dont wanna get into.
    The few % ekstra you get from long cycles with stupid doses are not worth the incremental raise in risk.
    If the gains were incremental aswell i would consider it too. But they are not.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-12-2016 at 11:08 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I agree about that circle of constantly upping the doses. I have defs noticed gains beyond week 6 in all my cycles. I think either way it all boils down to having proper nutrition and periodization of your training that will determine the extent of your gains moving forward regardless of gear use, but having gear in your system will obviously amplify those gains that would be made with those other key factors already being in place, do you get what i mean?
    I dont rely on the gear to progress or make the gains, i use them as a way to accelerate and maximize certain periods of growth. After all my cycle I have never stopped training or dropped off from tracking my macros or logging and planning my training cycles.

    In terms of health, safety and better transition between the 2 phases of my planned cycle is there anything that could be done better with the compounds ive chosen? mgs/wk? dosing? etc..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by zeeibi View Post
    I agree about that circle of constantly upping the doses. I have defs noticed gains beyond week 6 in all my cycles. I think either way it all boils down to having proper nutrition and periodization of your training that will determine the extent of your gains moving forward regardless of gear use, but having gear in your system will obviously amplify those gains that would be made with those other key factors already being in place, do you get what i mean?
    I dont rely on the gear to progress or make the gains, i use them as a way to accelerate and maximize certain periods of growth. After all my cycle I have never stopped training or dropped off from tracking my macros or logging and planning my training cycles.

    In terms of health, safety and better transition between the 2 phases of my planned cycle is there anything that could be done better with the compounds ive chosen? mgs/wk? dosing? etc..
    Yeah i read you. Well. Im kind of opposite. I have to rely on drugs to gain. No drugs no gains no matter what. Guess it has something to do with age. But. Its relatively easy to keep the sizegains from 20 years yet.

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