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Thread: Needing help with Cutting Cycle

  1. #1

    Needing help with Cutting Cycle

    Hey guys!

    I'm currently planning my second cycle and was wanting to do a nice cut cycle around December. My plan was to do 150mg Test P w/ 200mg Tren A weekly for 10 weeks. I understand Tren can be a bitch so I was wanting to keep the dose kinda low considering it is only my second cycle. The thing I'm having trouble with is what type of AI I should be using? I wasn't sure if Aromasin would cut it this cycle or if I was going to need something like Proviron/Caber instead? I'm also trying to iron out my PCT, my first cycle was just Nolvadex at 40/40/20/20. Would that type of PCT work for this type of cycle as well or would I need a stronger PCT (maybe Clomoid)?

    Thanks Guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    150 mg test and 200mg tren weekly? Or daily

  3. #3
    Weekly total, so something like 50mg Tren A and 40mg Test P EoD.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    At 18 I would suggest only a good diet.You are on a path to really hurt your endo system.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Not worth it and if you're still 18 don't use steroids go on strict diet and hard workout and some basic supplements you will be impressed if you train and eat 100% correct. And for your knowledge you need hcg on cycle and a adex too

  6. #6
    I've read too many posts of young guys in a panic after a bad side. Don't do it. Just save yourself and come back when you're 25.

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