The purpose of this article is to inform and enlighten those without much experience and knowledge regarding testosteone.

Around a century ago, scientists were able to synthesize testosteone that was bio-identical to testosteone naturally produced in our bodies.

Since then, many testosteone derivatives have been produced (19nor, DHT etc) in an attempt to modify their effects in our bodies. The result is a variety of AAS with altered anabolic/androgenic ratings, and various other effects.

For decades now, testosteone has remained one of THE PRIMARY performance enhancing drugs, and has been used in countless applications by various athletes, body builders, medical fields, anti aging, HRT. The list goes on....

Now human nature dictates that we always look for the next big thing, the quick fix, instant gratification. This inevitably leads us down the wrong roads, to such options as pro-hormes and oral only cycles. I shudder to think how many lives have been ruined by misguided youths falling prey to 'bro science'.

Testosterone ALONE could provide the results for the vast majority of people seeking performance enhancement. It should always be considered as a first option, for many reasons which I will elaborate on briefly.

Testosterone is NOT liver toxic, carries NO progestigenic nature, does not by itself raise prolactin levels (except in the case of elevated estrogen), is widely available and relatively low in cost.

Instead of looking for 'the next best thing', consider testosterone and it's vast application and history of use it brings with it. Don't try reinvent the wheel...

Test for the win!