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Thread: Tren to test ratio..... Just some research..

  1. #1

    Tren to test ratio..... Just some research..

    I've been sing some research on people taking test and tren ace together and it seems that most people run tren higher than their test as they want tren to attach the receptors as it is more anabolic steroid than test and they want the tren to bind to the receptors rather than the test occupying most of the receptors. Some of the threads and research I've done run test from anywhere between 200-500mgs while running tren 400-750mgs... Is there validity to this or did I just stumble upon some outdated research and threads? Thanks to those who respond...

    ***please note, I am not taking tren just merely doing research***
    Last edited by Keep_It_Moving; 08-16-2016 at 04:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Please not this again...

    Just ban this guy like it should have been done long ago ffs.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Please not this again...

    Just ban this guy like it should have been done long ago ffs.
    What's wrong with my post? I'm merely asking a question that I have done some research on and wanted to hear from members what they think. I'm not doing anything wrong by asking a question.... You're merely singling me out becuz of my user name but if it was someone else u would have answered the question with your knowledge. That just isn't fair nor nice.

  4. #4
    Please if u don't want to answer my question don't post in this thread. In trying to be civil here and be a member...

  5. #5
    It's all personal preference and how you react to each drug there's not wrong or right or correct way everyone is different

    Learn how you body reacts to each drug and go from their and you're goals

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    It's all personal preference and how you react to each drug there's not wrong or right or correct way everyone is different

    Learn how you body reacts to each drug and go from their and you're goals
    Hey thanks for the positive response.... So there really is no secret dose that works it's all individual? Thanks man...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Keep_It_Moving View Post
    Hey thanks for the positive response.... So there really is no secret dose that works it's all individual? Thanks man...
    Definitely not man. It all boils down to what side effects we can tolerate. Personally I am fine with testosterone side effects but not tren so I chose to run high test and low tren. I don't see the need for high dose tren. I have seen logs on forums where members ran 50mg EOD of tren A. But then on the other hand you have people who can't run high dose test but are fine with high dose tren...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    Definitely not man. It all boils down to what side effects we can tolerate. Personally I am fine with testosterone side effects but not tren so I chose to run high test and low tren. I don't see the need for high dose tren. I have seen logs on forums where members ran 50mg EOD of tren A. But then on the other hand you have people who can't run high dose test but are fine with high dose tren...
    Thanks for your reply... It sounds like it's very individualized.... I guess I'll never know unless I run. A tren and test cycle. Definitely don't plan on doing that anytime soon... Lol thanks brother!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Keep_It_Moving View Post
    Thanks for your reply... It sounds like it's very individualized.... I guess I'll never know unless I run. A tren and test cycle. Definitely don't plan on doing that anytime soon... Lol thanks brother!
    When you do, I would definitely recommend to start low on the tren. My first 2 cycle were 450+ and my third was 350 but because of my diet and training being in check my results were far superior at the lower dose.

    Correction: My first might have been 350 but second was definitely 450+

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    When you do, I would definitely recommend to start low on the tren. My first 2 cycle were 450+ and my third was 350 but because of my diet and training being in check my results were far superior at the lower dose.

    Correction: My first might have been 350 but second was definitely 450+
    good to know i thought it had to be ran at around 400-700 week

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Why hate?

  12. #12
    I'm running 200mg tren EOD and 200mg test EOD

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    I'm running 200mg tren EOD and 200mg test EOD
    How u holding up with sides? So that's 700mgs each a week... Nice man. Running hard....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    Definitely not man. It all boils down to what side effects we can tolerate. Personally I am fine with testosterone side effects but not tren so I chose to run high test and low tren. I don't see the need for high dose tren. I have seen logs on forums where members ran 50mg EOD of tren A. But then on the other hand you have people who can't run high dose test but are fine with high dose tren...
    I can run a gram of test not a shred of sides..but I go over 350 mg tren a week and iam not sleeping my anxiety gets terrible..tren is a wonderful drug if you can handle the sides..I had a roommate years ago run 200 mg a day he changed his sheets everyday lived on benzo's for sleep and would talk to himself but he was incredible strong and lean..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Two years ago I was running Testosterone(multiple esters) at 1.5g / wk, and Trenbolone Enanthate at 1.2 g / wk

    Next time I'm going to run Test Propionate at a TRT dose (200mg / wk) and Tren Ace at about 400mg / wk. It's the Tren that does the work.

    Anabolic steroids can be used recklessly and they can be used safely. I've used them recklessly to the point of a near-fatal liver injury, so this time around I'm happy to go with a sane dose. 400mg of Tren Ace should be really really really nice.

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