hello friends...im 46 y.o looking to gain muscle mas with an oral stack ...can u please recommend one ..thaks guys
hello friends...im 46 y.o looking to gain muscle mas with an oral stack ...can u please recommend one ..thaks guys
Most will recommend not doing a oral only cycle. You need a test as base
thak you for the response so quick...can you tell me wath would be a good test cycle and if I need to stack with something else
First cycles should never incorporate stacking in my opinion. That includes things like AIs, SERMs, etc. You need to get a baseline of how your body responds to something. Testosterone is a good starting place. Less drugs the better.
You could do a 8 weeks dbol only cycle. 20-30 mg if your bloods come out rigth. Like BP, cholestrol, liver/kidneys, triglycerids and restpulse as the most important ones infront of a dbolcycle.
But test 500 mg 12 weeks is your best shot.
But. Recovery would be easier with my first option. Regardless of what some may say.
I would have to disagree with that 8 weeks of dbol will leave you completely shut down and recovery would be the same as running test. Now if you we were talking about 4 weeks dbol, then yea maybe, just maybe recovery might be easier. I still wouldn't risk it tho. I have run oral only cycles multiple times and its fine for the first 2 maybe 3 weeks but then it hits you. I also noticed pct was a bit more brutal on oral only cycle but i'm not sure if thats the norm?
test e 500mg a week for fist cycle take 20mg dianabol a day if course stalls
Just stay simple on the first cycle.
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