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  1. #1
    Bicep321 is offline Associate Member
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    ED even on high test

    I ran a cycle of deca among other things, and I had some erectile issues while using deca. yes I used an ai, yes I used caber and hcg . I could get erections, I just had a little bit of trouble but when it came to sex, I had to use viagra. When I went off the deca, my cycle wasn't over yet. I kept running 1cc of test prop for about 4 weeks and then I went into a cruise at 250mgs test cyp weekly. Throughout the entire cruise I had slight ED. I had to use Viagra the entire time. The cruise lasted a couple of months and now I'm about 3 weeks into a blast again. I'm running 750mgs test enth weekly. On my first week, sex drive skyrocketed and I felt great like you usually do on a test only cycle. But it quickly came down and it's actually worse than it was during the cruise. 1 Viagra is almost not enough.

    The only interesting thing was that my bloods during the cruise showed my prolactin was low. I'm just really concerned. I know deca takes some to recover from but I figured going back on a test blast would help the situation, not make it worse. I'm competing in November and I will be on a full cycle including tren ace. Right after the competition I will be going off completely and on a hard pct.

    Does anyone have any words of advice? I hope this doesn't cause permanent ED

  2. #2
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Quick q why are you going off permanently? You said you blast and cruise...for how long? Your hpta is pribably shot by now...js

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Get your estrogen checked, could be prolactin too.

  4. #4
    Bicep321 is offline Associate Member
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    I think you misunderstood. I'm not going off permanently. I'm going off from November-feb. I usually go off for about 3-4 months during the winter and make the best attempt at a recovery. also for other health reasons, I like to take 3-4 months off during the year. Then I'll blast, cruise, and blast again. So far this is my second time doing this.

    I wasn't too bad last winter while I was off. Then Feb I went on and I just never had the sex drive increase I have while on cycle, if anything, it went down. Definitely had to be the deca .

    I pretty much accept that I am never going to fully recover unless if I completely go off for a long period of time. So ED during my off periods is to be expected. What I'm concerned about is having ED even while on a cruise dose of test or higher.
    Last edited by Bicep321; 08-20-2016 at 02:03 PM.

  5. #5
    Bicep321 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Quick q why are you going off permanently? You said you blast and cruise...for how long? Your hpta is pribably shot by now...js
    I think you misunderstood. I'm not going off permanently. I'm going off from November-feb. I usually go off for about 3-4 months during the winter and make the best attempt at a recovery. also for other health reasons, I like to take 3-4 months off during the year. Then I'll blast, cruise, and blast again. So far this is my second time doing this.

    I wasn't too bad last winter while I was off. Then Feb I went on and I just never had the sex drive increase I have while on cycle, if anything, it went down. Definitely had to be the deca .

    I pretty much accept that I am never going to fully recover unless if I completely go off for a long period of time. So ED during my off periods is to be expected. What I'm concerned about is having ED even while on a cruise dose of test or higher.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    You are on 750mg of test right?
    Any AI?

  7. #7
    Scorpion0922's Avatar
    Scorpion0922 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    "High" test isn't a cure for ED. Quite the opposite.

    Estrogen is probably off the charts.

    Saying this;

    "make the best attempt at a recovery" sounds like a pretty good factor impacting your problem as well.....

  8. #8
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Ive seen a few guys out there cycle 20+ years and still do a pct some can recover but to me its just not good sense..your body doesnt and constantly never knows wtf is going...if you have decided to compete just accept the facts that go with it. You will be om trt. As for ed, show us your blood work..its likely estrogen related sometimes no matter what you do its gonna happen.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    It takes your body a long time to go back to normal after PCT. If you're cruising/blasting all year, you might have to live with your current condition. You might have to live with that condition for life. This is a serious decision you have to make. Is BB worth the sexual condition? Nothing's free, right?

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