Thread: Blood test results
08-21-2016, 09:29 AM #1
Blood test results
The Dr ordered some blood tests to see about low test. The results are below. Does anyone know what the out of range values mean? The test is obvious, but i think that theDr is looking for something to explain the low test. The fact that he did not request the free test, makes me think that he does not want to prescribe TRT since i told him my test total was low but within and the free was low (based on results in another country) .
White cell differential- alot of values without ranges. The ones that had ranges were within
Alanine aminotransferase (alt). -within range on high side
Creatanine- 1.39. Range <=1.30
Potasium- within range
Sodium-1.44 range 135-145 within but high
CBC with differential (complete blood count)-
RBC, auto-4.27. Range 4.70-6.10
HGB-13.1. Range 14.0-18.0
HCT, auto- 38.1%. Range 42.0-52.0
MCV- within range
MCH- within range
MCHC-within range
RDW Blood- 14.2%. Range11.5-14.5%. On the high side
Platelets- automated count- 146x1000/mcl. Range 130-400x1000/mcl
TSH- within
Test, total-162 range 240-871
08-22-2016, 05:49 AM #2
08-22-2016, 06:37 AM #3
When was last cycle, what did u run, pct, age?
When did u finish pct?
You told him that test total was low but within?..Why, your total test is way low unless u are 90 years old.
08-22-2016, 07:21 AM #4Originally Posted by Silabolin
Last cycle was tren , winny, test prop, anavar . Since i was competing, i tapered off. Test and var stopped July 5. Tren and winny stopped july 10.
I started PCT for 2 weeks of nolva and clomid, however i was told to stop pct since i was going to go in US for low test bloodwork. I already knew that I was low but the testing was in another country (confirmed 2x).PCT stopped august 4.
08-22-2016, 03:50 PM #5
08-23-2016, 05:45 AM #6
No i do not
08-23-2016, 06:17 AM #7
Your numbers look like a guy that's not recovered from a cycle after PCT. Your Total T is low and your sorta anemic. You should increase your consumption of red meat a bit. You may be a really good candidate for TRT.
08-24-2016, 07:21 PM #8
Dr. Ordered tests again between 8-10 am and testing 2 more hormones. Don't know which ones. Assuming LH is one. Should I go ahead in this state or should I do a short PCT before another blood test to be sure?
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