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Thread: First pct, weird sexual question

  1. #1

    Question First pct, weird sexual question

    Ran my very first cycle of test 500 a week hcg and aromasin. Good gains great drive and energy. I started my pct at the start of August and after a week lost all libido. No girl could get any blood flow and i expected it to happen. But around week 2 I noticed I would be slightly horny for around 1-2 hours but it is very weak and goes away fast and back to nothing. It's been almost two weeks like this and I have one week of October but I notice is very day nearly the same time. 1-2 hours of very weak libido then bomb zero. Is this normal?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
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    Well finish the pct, you know pct is only a chance to recover your natural test guarantee it will come back. Whats the dosage on nolva and clomid? Cialis may help..worth a try. Blood work may give you some clues as to why also..

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Well finish the pct, you know pct is only a chance to recover your natural test guarantee it will come back. Whats the dosage on nolva and clomid? Cialis may help..worth a try. Blood work may give you some clues as to why also..
    Cialis kinda helps but I don't have any drive what so ever, i can't even finish a gap theirs no sensevtivty just around once a day slight libido and that it, it's almost week three and it's been going on since the end of week one

    Clomid nolva standard pct

  4. #4
    just be careful with clomid... It causes depression in a lot of people

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by abombman View Post
    just be careful with clomid... It causes depression in a lot of people
    soem emotional sides and acne but nothing too bad, this libido is worrying me

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    You shouldn't worry about this libido problem, it's totally normal.

    It takes a solid 4 weeks after PCT for me before see a girl in public and have the urge to approach.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Putao View Post
    soem emotional sides and acne but nothing too bad, this libido is worrying me
    Its because you introduced a huge amount of testosterone to your body for several weeks and then it your levels have crashed along with your drive
    ..your 3rd week into pct you should notice something..but yea clomid messes with your head a little bit..
    After you have pct'd and you have no libido then you should be worried. Relax and realize this is how it is

  8. #8
    Run an old school pct 5000 ,iu hcg. Every other day for 3 weeks Rogen clomid twice daily for 2 weeks that bring labido back

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Gods own country
    Sounds like your PCT is too strong for your requirements, possibly killing all estrogen and therefre sex drive too.

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