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Thread: Dosage Calculations Help Please

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ptcruiser1155 View Post
    I just found out that what I have is DECA-DURABOLIN 250mg/ml concentration. So, if the packet says 5ml quantity on it, my syringes go up to 3 ml/cc and I want to do 300mg/wk. How much do I load into the syringe?
    Also, regarding Test C. When I go to the clinic every 2 weeks for it, it cost me $65. It's a Test & B12 injections. Think I would be better off buying and doing the Test on my own?? Both for money savings and frequency?
    Ok if the concentration is 250 mg / ml, to obtain 300 mg you need to inject 1.2 ml of stuff.
    you can check the cleats of syringe and fill up to 1.2 ml, so get 300 mg of deca.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ptcruiser1155 View Post
    I just found out that what I have is DECA-DURABOLIN 250mg/ml concentration. So, if the packet says 5ml quantity on it, my syringes go up to 3 ml/cc and I want to do 300mg/wk. How much do I load into the syringe?
    Also, regarding Test C. When I go to the clinic every 2 weeks for it, it cost me $65. It's a Test & B12 injections. Think I would be better off buying and doing the Test on my own?? Both for money savings and frequency?
    I sent you a private message response, it has the math for amounts etc. .625 ml two times each weeks will yeild 312.5 mg/ week. If you want 300mg a week you should do a little less then 1 and 1/4 ml/week. 1/4 will give you an extra 62.5 mg. and if it's 250mg/ml. Then if you add another 62.5mg from 1/4ml to the 250mg that you get from 1 ml. Then you will reach the 312.5 mg. that's why I say a little less then 1 and 1/4 ml. I never cycled before and am giving to advice to use that cycle
    Like everyone else said, I wouldn't recommend using Deca plus another stack on top of a testosterone cycle for the first time. My first cycle I'm considering testosterone only. Which will be fr beyond my naturally production alone so why over due it and damage your body for. Few weeks of your life....but yeah. That the rough math i figured

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    By no means should you fill the syringe all the way with 3ml. Take all the others advice though not mine I'm new here. I just gave you some rough math for your amounts. Ml etc
    Last edited by Marsoc; 09-10-2016 at 11:28 AM.

  4. #44
    Marsoc, TestoSuper, thank you and everyone else who responded and "gave me a spot" here.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    patiecne is key
    Last edited by Marsoc; 09-10-2016 at 11:29 AM.

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