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  1. #1
    Swolberham_Lincoln is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Question when to start HCG on Test E Cycle. and expiration Q

    Starting my first cycle ever next week. i have 2 5,000iu bottles of HCG . Planning on taking 250iu 2x/week throughout the cycle and up to 3-4 days before pct (clomid/nolva) My question is i see so many different suggestions regarding HCG.

    Some say start it day one.
    Some Say start it week 2
    Some say start it week 3-5

    Which method is most beneficial?

    Also when Potency Is lost after 30 days. How much potency is lost?
    Say I do 250iu 2x/week for 30 days then 500iu 2x/week until the 5,000iu bottle is gone (3 more weeks) so the entire 5,000iu bottle will last 7 weeks.

    Is this stupid or smart?

  2. #2
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    potency will begin to degrade at about 90day mark, providing you had it mixed with BAC water and kept refrigerated all this time.

    I would suggest you use more than 250iu x2 a week, not only because its wiser option to have more stimulation but more consistent too, and it could potentially benefit in not spiking your E2 as high (due to HCG usage), so I would say 200-250iu EOD.

    Start HCG with your first pin of Test, and continue on until 1 week before your last pin of Test. this will let HCG to clear from your system and so you could efficiently start your PCT, which will take over pathways necessary to get your gonads going again, as otherwise HCG in the system will be blocking pathways PCT meds should do there work efficiently.

    Hope this makes sense to you.

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