Hi Guys, so i want to start this off my telling you that i am planing on doing a 6 month HGH cycle. This will probably shock you that my age is only 22, the reason for why i want to do this cycle is that i have growth hormone deficiency. I have checked with a doctor and my growth plates are almost closed, so if i have any chance on growing taller this is my chance and i am going to use it. I have been reading a lot on HGH and dosage etc. I am also using this for bodybuilding purpose since that won't hurt i guess but mostly for growth hormone deficiency. Some of you may ask, why don't you get a prescribtion from a doctor? i have tried but he did not wan't to give it to me because the growth plates were not open enough. But i have done so much research on this and many articles say that it can be affective even if they are open a little.
So i want to ask you guys that have probably done HGH before on what you would think the best time for me to inject it? I have heard to doing it before bed is really good and also really bad because it will slow down youre natural HGH production.
Also i read that you cant eat any sugers or carbs 30 min to 1 hour after you inject it? some say this is true and other don't so what is youre comment on it?
and the dosage? my plan is on starting on 2iu for 1 month, and then bumping it up after that, not sure how much i will bump it up, thats why i am doing more research and asking you guys.
PS, i will be getting somatropin