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  1. #1
    singlemale3c01 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2003

    Exclamation purple pre-loaded needles

    I have started a cycle "friend helping me.
    started weight 185 lbs empty; not 1 week yet and @ 191 lbs on empty stomach. Getting hit with HGH, TEST, SUB, ANA, DECA all needles that are in a purple 2 inch plastic needle. Are these called pre-loaded needles? Please provide information on these and what amount of injection do these hold to be 2 inches in length.

    I have done deca before from a bottle Upjohn 200 mg 10 ml.
    I have used a 23 gauge 1.5 needle for this and I don't understand how these pre-loaded needles are to be better "stronger" then a 3cc that is much more within needle.

    Again, friend helping me is a professional and I do ask a lot of questions to fully understand what is being done and everything about the difference in amounts being injected into me.

    please help!!


  2. #2
    The Butcher's Avatar
    The Butcher is offline Member
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    Nov 2002
    Stuck under 135lbs. on th
    Sorry to be a dick, but I'm going to be. Why in the hell would you start injecting your body with shit you have no idea about?

    You said you are taking HGH, Test, Sub (?), Ana, Deca . Is all of this supposedly mixed into one syringe? If so, you shouldn't be taking GH intermuscularly.

    What is Sub?

    Do you have any idea how many milligrams per week you are taking of each of these compounds?

    The only preloads that I am really familiar with is Sustanon . I think some European stuff comes in preloads as well, but I'm not sure which. I think it would be VERY wise for you to figure out exactly what it is you are taking, or if you do know the doses and compounds, write it out a little more clearly so the rest of us have a clue what you are talking about.

  3. #3
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Butcher
    Sorry to be a dick, but I'm going to be. Why in the hell would you start injecting your body with shit you have no idea about?
    No kidding. As I was reading the original message I was thinking..."this guy's not doing his homework...he's gonna hurt himself."

    Bro do your homework before you start using the gear.

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