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Thread: 5/8 inch needles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    East Coast

    5/8 inch needles

    I saw another thread kind of split on this, but the prevailing thought here seems to be go with a 1" needle.

    I have been using 26 gauge 5/8" for my TRT for about 2 years...into my quads and have had no issues (hope to hell I didn't just jinx myself). I only inject .45 ml of 200mg Cyp.

    Is the reason people use 1" due to a entire CC of 250 mg testosterone for AAS having so much oil, and too much oil could cause an abscess? I'm wondering because if I step up to a cycle of AAS, I'm assuming I have to increase to a 1" for that reason.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I'll use a 1/2" 27 ga for my TRT shots anywhere on my body. With small volume it doesn't matter if part of the shot is IM and part SQ. It all works.
    For a cycle dosage you definitely need a 1" at a minimum to avoid issues.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I'll use a 1/2" 27 ga for my TRT shots anywhere on my body. With small volume it doesn't matter if part of the shot is IM and part SQ. It all works.
    For a cycle dosage you definitely need a 1" at a minimum to avoid issues.
    Thanks, looks like I'll move back to those 1-inchers I started out with before I discovered the 5/8.

    As a follow-up, I saw a homebrew recipe on here for Test E 400 mg/ml. If you were to use that, you would draw to 0.625 on a syringe (giving you 250 mg) if you were going to do 500 mg a week.

    That is still too much volume to go with a smaller needle, correct? I know I have to give up hope of using the small needle, but want to make sure I have it straight for my own understanding.

  4. #4
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    its difficult to push such big amount of oil trough such small needle, unless it was 23-25G but still, the amount of oil as for cycling should be deposited deep in the muscle to prevent leaking thus reducing/eliminating risk of contamination that can lead to abscess/infection. Also it will ensure better more stable absorption ratio when such big amount of oil is being injected deep IM.

    Also, depending on the oil and the way gear is made, some gear (like pharm test) is usually real thick and you would really struggle not only drawing but pushing it out trough thin needle in to your muscles.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    its difficult to push such big amount of oil trough such small needle, unless it was 23-25G but still, the amount of oil as for cycling should be deposited deep in the muscle to prevent leaking thus reducing/eliminating risk of contamination that can lead to abscess/infection. Also it will ensure better more stable absorption ratio when such big amount of oil is being injected deep IM.

    Also, depending on the oil and the way gear is made, some gear (like pharm test) is usually real thick and you would really struggle not only drawing but pushing it out trough thin needle in to your muscles.
    A bunch of great points, thank you very much. I am sufficiently scared straight about abscesses now, and will use 1" if I get to do a cycle.

  6. #6
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    Keep it clean, sterile and think deep regards contaminations just so you stay as safe as possible. Need nothing to worry about too much when you get to know how stuff works

    Sent from my eyePhone

  7. #7
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    I use 1/2 and 5/8 25-29 guage needles in quads and delts. The only places im lean enough to use them, and I can inject 3ml without any problems as long as I go real slow. If I try to push it in to fast it will seep out of the muscle and migrate somewhere else under the skin leaving a lump. As long as I take my time I have no problems.

    I dont put 3ml in the delt anymore, no more than 2ml, but I have done it. I just think its to much after doing it a few times.

  8. #8
    I use 1.5" in my glutes
    and 1" every where else.

  9. #9
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    It just depends on how lean you are. 5/8 pins work fine for me even pinning 3 cc at once

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    It just depends on how lean you are. 5/8 pins work fine for me even pinning 3 cc at once
    3 cc through a 5/8? Dayum!!

    You and jstone have some serious liquid coursing through those bodies.

    Well it's good to hear so many are happy with the 5/8. I'm around 14% bf when I let myself go, but I'm not terrified of 1" so I'll give that a shot if I run a cycle just to be safe. I think I can handle that for 12 weeks.

  11. #11
    They all work but 1" is optimal. I ran out of 1" pins and had a ton of 1/2" insulin pins from my HGH pins. I pinned Test Cyp through the insulin pins for a few months until I got around to ordering more 1" pins. It still worked but it just wasn't optimal.

  12. #12
    I'm a fan of the 5/8 needle with a 26 gauge. I don't use anything else. My BF is low enough to get it all into the muscle, and less PIP and scar tissue are more reasons I prefer them.

    If your BF is higher, definitely go with 1 inch to ensure deep IM injection.

  13. #13
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    Really depends on exactly what your usage is, ie: TRT/HRT, a full-on AAS cycle.
    The gauge of needle is really personal preference, although I strongly advise not going lower than 22 and not higher than 27 for IM injections. The length should vary on the site:
    5/8" - Delts and other small/less dense muscles
    1" - Quads
    1.5" - Glutes
    This can all be debated on by individuals that are smaller/bigger as far as muscle mass and fat composition.

  14. #14
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    You must have some massive glutes.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    You must have some massive glutes.
    Haha mate all they have at the needle exchange is 23 and 18. 18 is just too big!!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Haha mate all they have at the needle exchange is 23 and 18. 18 is just too big!!!
    I use an 18g when doing a self phlebotomy, couldn't imagine pinning with an 18g.

    Prefer a 23/25 1" or 5/8" for pinning.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincentino View Post
    Really depends on exactly what your usage is, ie: TRT/HRT, a full-on AAS cycle.
    The gauge of needle is really personal preference, although I strongly advise not going lower than 22 and not higher than 27 for IM injections. The length should vary on the site:
    5/8" - Delts and other small/less dense muscles
    1" - Quads
    1.5" - Glutes
    This can all be debated on by individuals that are smaller/bigger as far as muscle mass and fat composition.
    Great answer that things aren't one size fits all. I'm lean enough I should be able to go with the smaller length, but nowhere near as lean as kelkel if that's him in the avatar. And if he's that lean and using 1", seems like I'd need to do it too.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Lol exactly. I've always been on the leaner side of the spectrum but I have a lot of friends that are fucking monsters and just have to go with the longer length pins

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