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Thread: The 2 Year Plan - Putting it out there to hold myself accountable and stay focused

  1. #1

    The 2 Year Plan - Putting it out there to hold myself accountable and stay focused

    Okay, been a little while since I posted last. I have been very busy training to the very best of my ability 5 days a week, studying and implementing the best diet I can put together, and am now in the best condition I have ever been with bodybuilding. Oh yeah, probably most importantly, I have spent a boatload of time and money with a very excellent personal trainer. When I say he is very excellent it is because he is relentless with his attention to my having perfect form, perfect time under tension, perfect end squeeze at the top of movements, a robust stretching program, and he has broken me of focusing on the "numbers" written on the weights. This is now my starting point.

    I have never experienced bodybuilding quite like this, and I am becoming addicted to it like never before - to the point that I would turn down a date with Sophia Vergara in order not to miss leg day.

    So the 2 year plan... Barring any unforeseen circumstances, I am going to work with my trainer for the next two years in preparation for the day when SWIM (someone who isn't me), very well may take the plunge into a cycle of performance enhancers. 2 years should be adequate time to prepare the body for maximum gains, and adequate time to do all my preparation and study for that day. I will also be in a position to take an entire month off of work to do nothing but train.

    There it is

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Boomhauer View Post
    Okay, been a little while since I posted last. I have been very busy training to the very best of my ability 5 days a week, studying and implementing the best diet I can put together, and am now in the best condition I have ever been with bodybuilding. Oh yeah, probably most importantly, I have spent a boatload of time and money with a very excellent personal trainer. When I say he is very excellent it is because he is relentless with his attention to my having perfect form, perfect time under tension, perfect end squeeze at the top of movements, a robust stretching program, and he has broken me of focusing on the "numbers" written on the weights. This is now my starting point.

    I have never experienced bodybuilding quite like this, and I am becoming addicted to it like never before - to the point that I would turn down a date with Sophia Vergara in order not to miss leg day.

    So the 2 year plan... Barring any unforeseen circumstances, I am going to work with my trainer for the next two years in preparation for the day when SWIM (someone who isn't me), very well may take the plunge into a cycle of performance enhancers. 2 years should be adequate time to prepare the body for maximum gains, and adequate time to do all my preparation and study for that day. I will also be in a position to take an entire month off of work to do nothing but train.

    There it is
    So did u have a ?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by 4linked View Post
    So did u have a ?
    Damn, I guess not - Ha! Just checking in mostly, putting my thoughts down, so I can look back on this occasionally and hold myself accountable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Good luck on your journey!

  5. #5
    Nothing wrong with setting goals and writing down a plan. Good luck to you sir.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    I wouldn't have enough money to pay a trainer that charges hourly or even if he charged by the session I would be his only customer. At 5 days a week and going as hard as I want to do ,if and when I start my first cycle I will actually be able to train a 3 hour long session and have peace of mind that my body isn't going to be pure cortisol. I'm natural and at first I was training like 2-3 hours. Hitting every angle of the muscle group.triple Super sets, multiple drop sets with a super set. Etcetc. I dont think anyone would put up with my sessions lol. I'm always set on random mode even though I'll have a routine it varies with tweaks here or there on random mode. Keep my body guessing.
    Anyways. Sorry for the rant. Into like to talk and explain things lol don't get me started. But I don't know how you do it man. The trainer thing. I guess everyone is different. Ive been self motivated as long as I can remember. But I love team work also.
    So good luck man..I love setting long term goals and having a life style healthy and dedicated to the cause.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2015
    wow, two years cycleprep.

    A tip from me for your studies would be, besides the training and diett its also very important to learn about bloodtests, your bloodvalues, how to overcome problemes and how to keep them in range. That exam would be, when you understand the difference beetween the bloodvalues hct and rbc, your knowledge is accepatble for aas use in the bloodvaluedepartment:-)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    If it doesnt come from bloodwork it is anecdotal because everyone is different. You can ask a million questions and get a million answers but the key is to try it, record with blood work what happens, see if you want to do it again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    I wouldn't have enough money to pay a trainer that charges hourly or even if he charged by the session I would be his only customer. At 5 days a week and going as hard as I want to do ,if and when I start my first cycle I will actually be able to train a 3 hour long session and have peace of mind that my body isn't going to be pure cortisol. I'm natural and at first I was training like 2-3 hours. Hitting every angle of the muscle group.triple Super sets, multiple drop sets with a super set. Etcetc. I dont think anyone would put up with my sessions lol. I'm always set on random mode even though I'll have a routine it varies with tweaks here or there on random mode. Keep my body guessing.
    Anyways. Sorry for the rant. Into like to talk and explain things lol don't get me started. But I don't know how you do it man. The trainer thing. I guess everyone is different. Ive been self motivated as long as I can remember. But I love team work also.
    So good luck man..I love setting long term goals and having a life style healthy and dedicated to the cause.
    Three things about trainers I always notice...

    Smith Machines dont need them
    Squat Racks dont need them
    They tend to be short skinny guys that know a lot but cant quite apply it to themselves.

    Last person I need following me around is one that lacks willpower (Hal Jordon)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    Three things about trainers I always notice...

    Smith Machines dont need them
    Squat Racks dont need them
    They tend to be short skinny guys that know a lot but cant quite apply it to themselves.

    Last person I need following me around is one that lacks willpower (Hal Jordon)
    Yup. My rule of thumb, don't hire a trainer if you're bigger than him LOL!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    I like your motivation..For me the only time I've ever used a trainer was when I had my training and diet down and I wanted his critique..WE worked together to optimize my training..which was about a week worth of sessions..I think there's only so much you can learn from one trainer..2 years and the only thing he would be providing you with is motivation which you could get from a good workout partner..sounds like your in a good frame of mind I suggest you not put time limits on when you wanna use AAS..instead use it to defeat a non defeat able can change your training style diet a million times but eventually you will reach that plateau..That is the optimal time to think about using AAS or other performance enhancers..good luck

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Ill never use a trainer ever lol. They are in it for the money and i promise you no trainer knows my body better than me. Good luck on your quest

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