10-04-2016, 01:41 PM #1
2nd cycle :d
Hello all guys .I had a successful 1st test only cycle so im currently planning on my 2nd cycle .Please correct me if im wrong anywhere and any additional info will be much appreciated:
STATS : 1.68 cm height
80kg weight
BF ~low below 15 % (mostly in my lower stomach )
AGE 22
MAX bench >140kg 5 reps
MAX deadlift >210 kg 1 rep
MAX squat > 100kg
BUT i dont emphasize on the max weight i can lift and these are old i havent tried to push it for 1 rep max since 5 months at least ...
WEEK 1-14->OMNADREN (sustanon ) @729mg every week (PIN every 3 days 250+250/4=312mg)
WEEK 1-12->DECA DURABOLIN @233 mg every week (PIN every 3 days 100 mg )
WEEK 1-16->ARIMIDEX @0,25mg every other day (mid cycle BW will determine if that's correct dosage ??)
???WEEK 1-12??->DOSTINEX (cabergoline)@0,5mg every week (should i take it every 2 and a half days or every 3 and a half days )
WEEK 8-16->HCG @250 iu EVERY 3 days
I will also supplement with folic acid ,D3 8000iu every day ,iron ,LIV52 DS,omega 3 (600epa,400 dha ) and creatine 5 g every day .
ALSO i will use insulin every day for the 1st month @40-60 iu (2-3 pins every 5 hours ).
PCT>>Clomid @ 75/50/50/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20/20/20 (6 weeks )
Q:Is the pct nice ? Should i supplement with anything else for protection?And is the cabergoline dosage right ?I'm still learning and trying to do things the safest way ! TY in advance !Last edited by KTOUUU; 10-04-2016 at 02:17 PM.
10-04-2016, 01:45 PM #2New Member
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Hey, could i just ask if u have any before and after picture? .
Would be cool to see!
10-04-2016, 02:10 PM #3
I have a picture of when i stopped lifting, at 50 kgs before 4 years ,my hands were like chopsticks xd ,but i dont know where it is i will search it among the millions of pictures .After that i reached 70 kgs and then i did a test e only cycle and gained 8 solid kgs .The beach is before .
The difference between the 2 pics is ~6 months of training and ~1,5 months of test ...
10-04-2016, 02:19 PM #4New Member
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Cool man, shoulders are starting to pop out awesome.
Keep up the work.
10-04-2016, 05:19 PM #5
Cycle looks good to go to me
Some will argue a second cycle doesnt need deca and instead a slight increase in test but its very common, ive never used dostinex/caber so cant comment on the doseage you have chosen
Rest looks good to go, and nice progress by the way
10-04-2016, 08:47 PM #6
Absolutely no need almost 1G of juice a week for any cycle, ESPECIALLY a 2nd cycle, ESPECIALLY at 22 y.o.
Based on the cycle I assume you are looking for size? If you're 160 @ your height size can be achieved with the right nutrition protocol.
22 is too young to be considering a 2nd cycle, or any AAS cycle.
Just my opinions.
10-06-2016, 06:05 AM #7
I think u are wrong i am 177 lbs if u meam lbs when u say 160 at 1.68 cm heigh and yes i will be doing this cycle to gain size im planning on competing this May propably.Also my BMi is 28,6 way above normal i think so proper nutrition alone wont yield the desired effects.My 1st test e only cycle didnt have any complications at all ,now im 15 days past pct and im feeling great ...I will wait another month or two and then i will start it ...Thanks for the advice tho!
10-06-2016, 06:06 AM #8
10-06-2016, 06:07 AM #9
10-06-2016, 06:28 AM #10
You done good but your cycle is overkill. You dont need that much gear and sure dont need deca lol. Im not understanding your dosages either i try and keep shit as simple as i can.
"Getting huge" is more than just taking aas....eat huge and if your diet is in check and your training, hormones, and rest are in check also you will grow.
If youre 22 yo and you run that cycle you will more than likely be on trt...just a warning
10-06-2016, 06:31 AM #11MAX squat > 100kg
You should go again with test only, if you had good results no point whatsoever to add such a supressive compound. If test is still working for you go with it, after deca or tren the HPTA gets basically fried for most ppl, and at 22 years old you still have a lot of living to do before making such life changing decisions.
I understand you are eager to experiment new steroids , but believe me you will be disapointed, you will not gain much more than if you did test only.
10-06-2016, 07:04 AM #12
Thanks m8 ! I will stick to test only for now ,but i am considering of adding deca 50 mg per week cause in my 1st test e only cycle i had some joint pain in my wrist do you think thats a good dose ?Also im eating 3500 calories per day clean the only "unclean" food im eating or drinking is cola ...
10-06-2016, 07:06 AM #13
Nice point !Yes im working on my legs . This week i pressed 500 kgs on leg press but im not yet satisfied so i will focus on my legs for now .Do you recommend adding some oral (and what oral ) like anavar would be wise for the 2nd cycle ?Also i will be sticking with insulin the entire cycle !Thanks in advance !
10-06-2016, 07:14 AM #14
I dont advice using the deca because its hard to recover from it, better to use some oral for a few weeks, personally prefer dbol or winny, anavar is weak and anadrol is bit too harsh on liver. Joint problem is always from poor form or some repetitive motion you do, ibuprofen does the same as deca.
Hope you know what you are doing with insulin , it can kill you.
10-06-2016, 07:22 AM #15
I will do some research on dbol and winny !So its a bad idea to use deca even at 50 mg per week !?Not a chance doing anadrol from the things i read :P !Yes i have used insulin for quite some time and its crazy what it can do !! On my 1st cycle of slin cycle i gained 5 solid kgs of muscle in 1 month ! But im very careful , i eat every 2 hours carbs and always carry with me some cola .Currently on 2nd week of slin and already up 2 kgs !Thanks for the info !!
10-06-2016, 08:09 AM #16
Lol "slin" cycle...nice. tell us your cycle protocol on that insulin id like to know a little more about insulin
Last edited by Cuz; 10-06-2016 at 08:19 AM.
10-06-2016, 08:35 AM #17
hehehe :P ~~Humulin R~~
Lets say you wake up at 7 in the morning .Go do cardio for 30 mins and by 8 pin 10 iu then eat a meal protein 30 ++ carbs 70++.At 10 same meal .At 12 same meal ,Pin another 10 ius .At 1 you can hit the gym with some energy drink with sugar in it .at 2:30 eat another meal !All meals must be 30 ++ proteins ++ 70 carbs (may vary from person to person depending on your sensitivity ) i can go below 60 g carbs per meal !Start with 100 g carbs per iu and adjust !AT 4:30 MEAL time!at 6:30 pin 10 ius eat a meal .8:30 meal .10 :30 meal .12:30 meal .Ready for sleep .Its simple basically pin every 5 hours eat every 2 hours and manage your training .Right now i lost track so i pin only 2 times a day at 15 ius . From the next week i will start pinning again 3 times a day !The longer i hold on the cycle was 5 weeks ,now i will go for 2 months on 1 off!Also add some fats in there cause you need them !
10-06-2016, 10:13 PM #18
10-07-2016, 03:45 PM #19
Thats true more is not always better !Should i consider tho the 50 mg of deca per week or its useless at that dose ?
10-08-2016, 11:13 PM #20
You dont need the Deca .I personally dont like too see young guys cycle.But its your body and you will know years down the road if you messed up.Run the same cycle again.No need to bump up the dose at this stage.
10-09-2016, 08:54 AM #21
10-09-2016, 05:26 PM #22
No. Deca is not used for joint support. Mast is not an AI. This bro-science bull has got to stop.
There is also absolutely no need for anyone of us to use insulin unless our name is Dexter, Phil, or Kai.
Your dose of test is too high. If you had good results with your 1st cycle then why re-invent the wheel?
10-10-2016, 11:31 AM #23
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