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Would you mind expanding on this? I actually have zero experience with anabolics or PCT, but I am on Clomid for my secondary/tertiary hypogonadism.
My doctor put me on 50mg/day of Clomid. Initial results were decent: total testosterone jumped from 305 to 520 and free testosterone went from 70 to 170. However, a few months later, my free t had dropped to 150. Doctor told me to experiment with the dosage, so I cut it in half. After a month of 25mg/day, my total t had dropped to 420 and my free t was down to 100. I've since jumped back up to 50mg/day but don't feel anything like I did in the beginning.
What I found interesting were the LH results:
1) Baseline, pre-Clomid: 2.5 (Free T: 70)
2) Clomid, 50mg/day: 3.5 (Free T: 170)
3) Clomid, 25mg/day: 4.7 (Free T: 105)
I'm trying get to the meaning of these discrepancies, as my doctor seems uninterested. What could account for higher LH but lower testosterone numbers at the lower dosages? If the high dose of clomid was paradoxically lowering LH secretion, that lines up with the LHRH sensitivity issue you mentioned. But I don't know how to square that with the T readings.
Thanks for reading and let me know if this is better served in a separate thread.