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Like an idiot, I ran an Anavar-only cycle at 75mg/ED for 3 weeks at a high bodyfat of 20%. Ended my cycle early because of gyno suspicions - I'm never touching AAS again, I threw away all my var. I've been off for about 2 weeks and the sensitivity in my nips went down, but they still look a little puffy. There's always a chance I was sold bunk like dbol or something, but my source is very trusted, so let's assume the var is real and it may have caused gyno by raising my prolactin levels. Could someone please take a look at a few pics I took of my chest? I have a feeling there is sagging and swelling breast tissue. Images: imgur.com/a/SQsDs (Copy-and-paste the url because I don't have enough posts to create a link)