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  1. #1
    austino is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2014

    3rd Cycle Plan - Thoughts and suggestions

    Im still two months out before I even think about beginning but I like to plan ahead.

    1st cycle - starter cycle 500mg test per week w/ hcg , standard PCT. Great times!
    2nd cycle - same as first but added winstrol . Did not notice a difference at all from my first cycle so either nothing special or bum gear.

    Goal - same as before, strength over aesthetics. improve athletic ability while keeping the weight down.

    Current Stats
    Age: 34
    Weight: 198
    Height: 5'7"
    BF: 10-15%
    *note - I am on TRT .3ml / 60mg twice per week. I am secondary hypogonadic and respond to things like clomid and nolva.

    I have 4 10ml bottles of Test-E 200 that I have saved up from prescriptions.

    The plan
    Weeks 1-12
    Test-E 600mg per week (300/1.5ml twice per week)
    Mast Prop or Enth 700 per week (depending on what I get will decide the frequency)
    Arimidex - .5 EOD worked great for me
    HCG - 250iu twice per week

    Week 13-14

    Standard Clomid and Nolva PCT to reset and rest

    Then transition back to TRT dose.

    Thoughts or even suggestions of types of cycles to focus on?

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Why would you run a pct?

  3. #3
    austino is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Why would you run a pct?
    I am secondary hypo so I react well to anything hat stimulates lh/fsh, I like the idea that my body is producing things on their own even if assisted. So I will do a few months on clinic and switch back to test.

    Thoughts on mast?

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    You are shut down on TRT. You are shut down on cycle. Why bother with a PCT when you won't recover your natural test anyway and also just go back to TRT and shutdown anayway.

    Oh, and there's a massive difference between 10% and 15% body fat. And if you want strength over aesthetics why mast and not something like deca ?

  5. #5
    austino is offline Junior Member
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    For BF I meant somewhere between 10 and 15. I am not 10, but I am not 15.

    As for the deca question, I had originally thought of it for my second cycle, got schooled on prep and Q&A and felt mentally unprepared so I went back to a simple test cycle with winstrol .

    I heard good things about mast and it being a simplistic addition to a test cycle so that was the idea. What do you think of the athletic cycle?

  6. #6
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    First I'd like to say your win was bunk. if it was real you would definitely know unmistakable pumps and great muscle tone. If one of your main goals is to keep your weight down.You don't need to increase your test, if its legit, 500mg/week is plenty. I believe I know what your looking for and even though your a beginner I would drop your test to 300mg/week and add 300mg of tren a. That being said heed my warning if you are not a mellow individual then don't do tren!!! I have watched it screw ppl marriage and work relationships up. Also if you are a big drinker don't bother. Its a serious compound not to be taken lightly. Generally for the more advanced but imo can be handled if you have the right character and demeanor!

  7. #7
    austino is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    First I'd like to say your win was bunk. if it was real you would definitely know unmistakable pumps and great muscle tone. If one of your main goals is to keep your weight down.You don't need to increase your test, if its legit, 500mg/week is plenty. I believe I know what your looking for and even though your a beginner I would drop your test to 300mg/week and add 300mg of tren a. That being said heed my warning if you are not a mellow individual then don't do tren!!! I have watched it screw ppl marriage and work relationships up. Also if you are a big drinker don't bother. Its a serious compound not to be taken lightly. Generally for the more advanced but imo can be handled if you have the right character and demeanor!
    Thanks man for the suggestion! I think I might steer away from Tren after hearing your advice. I have a new job, lots of interaction with people and visibility. Maybe I will go the test/win route again but find another source.

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