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Thread: legit dianabol?

  1. #1

    legit dianabol?

    I am looking to acquire a cycle so i can get back to where i was a year ago quickly also what would be a good stack with this.

    thanks guys i am new here i just don't trust the sites off google lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    If you could provide your stats including your goals we might better be able to assist you.

    Below you with find a couple of useful links that will help you prepare and understand what a proper cycle and PCT protocol would be.

  3. #3
    im 6'4 255-260 i would like to get down to around 225 - 235 im not fat but i could lose a few and i want to get my 6 - 8 pack back i had a few years ago the keg is going out of style...... Also i have never done any type of steriod but with work and obligations i have i do not have but 40 mins 3-4 times a week to lift so i want to get where i wanna get quick and then maintain..

    thanks again and thank you for replying!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    North America
    Quote Originally Posted by cajungumbo
    im 6'4 255-260 i would like to get down to around 225 - 235 im not fat but i could lose a few and i want to get my 6 - 8 pack back i had a few years ago the keg is going out of style...... Also i have never done any type of steriod but with work and obligations i have i do not have but 40 mins 3-4 times a week to lift so i want to get where i wanna get quick and then maintain.. thanks again and thank you for replying!
    1. Diet and cardio alone will get you where you want to be
    2. Dbol is for bulking not cutting
    3. 3-4x a week of cardio is plenty to achieve your goal. Steroids are not magic like people tend to believe. They are a small part of a big program

  5. #5
    i wouldn't mind some bulk because i plan on doing a 30 min none stop workout like reps 20 seconds rest reps and so on cause of time restrictions so i wanna get size too

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    North America
    Quote Originally Posted by cajungumbo
    i wouldn't mind some bulk because i plan on doing a 30 min none stop workout like reps 20 seconds rest reps and so on cause of time restrictions so i wanna get size too
    Until your at an advanced level with your diet and training, trying to add lean mass while cutting is over complicating this. You'll most likely become overwhelmed and then go full stop on everything.
    Try just doing 30-40min sessions of cardio, weights or whatever a few times a week and eating clean. That's the answer!
    You've never done steroids before like you've said, so why do feel you need steroids to drop weight and get your 6pack back?
    If you start your progress by cutting down to a desired weight and body fat %, then when it's time to start bulking you'll have more understanding of diet and training.
    You don't need steroids to fuck up your natural hormone levels just to lose a few pounds.
    Do allot more research man, you're looking for an instant fix to an issue you have made yourself. You can undo what you've done in a matter of a few weeks.
    Don't just jump on the roid train. It's like buying a new rifle and going hunting when you've never handled a gun, or gone hunting.
    Doesn't make much sense does it?

  7. #7
    When i worked out before everyone always asked me if i was on roids but i wasnt so to be honest i wanted to see how far i could get on it since my body type is perfect for being huge already kinda wanna see how much a monster a few months can get me :-P

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    There is no such thing as a quick fix in aas.You sound like you are on the heavy side so bulking isnt a good thing.Plus aas isnt a diet aid and if you have not been hitting the gym.AAS will make your muscles stronger faster than your ligaments and tendons.This will result in serious injury.Take the time and do it right or save yourself some pain and dont do it at all.Ride a bike it will tone you up quick.

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