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Thread: growth hormone shutdown - any cures?

  1. #1
    kasj is offline New Member
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    growth hormone shutdown - any cures?

    hi guys ive read that growth hormone can shut down if using exegenous growth hormone.

    i wanted to know if anyone has experienced this and manage to kickstart growth hormone production again?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    It can shut down but will it? I've been using on/off HGH for a long time. When I come off of HGH I can't really tell if my natural production's stopped. I still feel pretty good after 7 months.

  3. #3
    TjmAble is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kasj View Post
    hi guys ive read that growth hormone can shut down if using exegenous growth hormone.

    i wanted to know if anyone has experienced this and manage to kickstart growth hormone production again?
    As we get older our pituary gland or hypophysis and more importantly when we Hit 18-21 some can go to 23 years old(when we stopped getting height) our HGH(somatotropine) levels are periodically decreasing, it's normal, but as I remember from physiology book when you are eating excessive amount of sugars or after 6 in the evening or even worse before nap, you totally destroying this hormone in your sleep. Its the primary hormone that keeps your cells "young" if you ever notice a person with too much height or he's look younger than (baby face) probably he's pituary gland produces more natural HGH.

  4. #4
    ryobi1 is offline Associate Member
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    you produce less and less as you age,
    some SARMS claim to trigger the pituitary
    to produce more....good sleeps are the natural
    way to help your body produce gh

  5. #5
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Intense training, AAS (at least through IGF production), low blood sugar, sleep all increase GH secretion.

    A study done in children showed that EOD dosing sustained growth better after treatment than ED dosing, while the weekly total dose was the same.

    I'm not so sure hgh will cause any permanent shutdown though.
    Don't think so. But just like AAS it might be possible it takes some time before it bounces back. But hgh isn't the real anabolic component anyway, its the IGF1 stimulated increase IMO. Hgh acts more like a fat burner and increase blood sugar. That's probably much of the reason why GH peak in the morning, it's been long since you ate food. And I'm not discounting that diet may influence it to some degree as well.

    Insulin can trigger GH release (though it's dangerous to use it for that reason),
    Simply because it lowers blood sugar.

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    IMO using HGH does not cause significant damage to growth hormone axis.

    Using a long acting GHrelin, like MK-677 or CJC1295 with dac, is likely to cause more damage, as it will interfere with the pulsatile wave of GH release.

    Exogenou HGH is like adding a exogenous pulse, sure it can delay natural pulses but not for long as it has a very short life.
    jolter604 and NACH3 like this.

  7. #7
    jolter604's Avatar
    jolter604 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    IMO using HGH does not cause significant damage to growth hormone axis.

    Using a long acting GHrelin, like MK-677 or CJC1295 with dac, is likely to cause more damage, as it will interfere with the pulsatile wave of GH release.

    Exogenou HGH is like adding a exogenous pulse, sure it can delay natural pulses but not for long as it has a very short life.
    What about igf1 L3 Long use? I have used it for 8 months at 60mcg

  8. #8
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
    What about igf1 L3 Long use? I have used it for 8 months at 60mcg
    Dont think there would be IGF1 shutdown in the liver. IGF1 long term usage can have other complications, but most of it is fake, the real stuff is very VERY expensive.
    jolter604 likes this.

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