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Thread: Masterone Question

  1. #1

    Masterone Question

    So I have a noob question but I am trying to understand so please bare with me.

    Looking over Masterone from one of the sources I have found.

    Drostanolone Propionate 100 mg/ml

    Drostanolone Enanthate 200 mg/ml

    Drostanolone Propionate 100 mg/ml Drostanolone Enanthate 200 mg/ml Mix

    So looking over the PIN frequency recommendations.

    DP 3 times a week or EoD. Not considering don't want to PIN that much if I don't have to.

    DE twice a week. 1 ml each shot so 400mg\week

    DP\DE ????, what is right here? Twice a week and the P helps get the levels in your blood up quicker at start of a cycle? Or is a better choice to just front load at 500mg first shot for DE?

    so if ya ordered 1 mix and went twice a week for first five weeks. Then DE and stayed on that schedule for another five would that be right.

    This is all assuming I go on HRT and have Test Cyp at 200mg a week as a base. Would the above be a good burst to help cut another 10 to 15 pounds without losing muscle?

    I will try to be patient and run HRT only for about 2 months first and see how it goes. But that aint something I have ever been too good at. No decisions yet but trying to think what would be good. Masterone seems to be a milder steroid that doe snot convert and may aid in E2 control. Anavar seems really cool but I dont like the liver risk so rather PIN.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    If you don't want to pin more then 2xew then you want mast e. Mast p would be best if pinned Ed or eod

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Yeah, mast e would be less hassle and a much better option than anavar IMO.
    However, while I would say it's a mild steroid it's also quite androgenic.
    So some people get problems with acne and hair loss.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8
    Yeah, mast e would be less hassle and a much better option than anavar IMO. However, while I would say it's a mild steroid it's also quite androgenic. So some people get problems with acne and hair loss.
    I get acne from mast p but almost none from e

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    OP with all due respect at 20% bf using mast is a waste of money.

    What is your previous cycling experience?

  6. #6
    I agree with numbere. Mast is best run when you're already pretty lean. I would say near the 10% mark. I started running Mast P at 10% and it's awesome at getting the body lean and tight.

  7. #7
    Yeah I know I need to get leaner first. Working on it. Just planning right now. Past EXP is over 15 years ago. Ran about 5 or 6 cycles mainly Deca/Dbol and Deca/Anadrol, limited test.

    Plan for now is to make my decision on HRT. If I decide to go with it then give that a couple of months to level out and see the results. Then move onto something else. I would like to end up around 180 at close to 10%. Goal is to hit these numbers at end of March for the beach in Cancun. Trying to learn all the new stuff posted here and do this a little smarter this time around.

    Done TDEE from Austinite's post already. Getting diet and OTC supps in line. Trying Aust's Synephrine, Chromium Pico and Green Tea for a boost now. Ensuring I am gettting cardio in line at least twice a week and one HIIT with a prowler. Lifting 4 to 5 days a week depending on time. Been feeling really good there and can see some results. Having MAT done on some problem areas.

    Trying to ensure everything lab wise lines up and dreaming of old glory days and their return. I like to plan. I will lay everything out in reverse from day before I fly out. Spreadsheet time. Lots of mini goals and plans. Knowing I have a burst cycle ahead will motivate me to hit the numbers before I let myself do it. Goals without a plan just don't seem to work for me. 20 weeks out. 10 week cycle 10 week to prep and get everything lined up. Pics and log I guess sometime soon to make it real and hold me accountable?

    Hair Loss genetics already winning with a vengeance here. Buzz the top with a .5 guard every two weeks accepting fate. Nice to know about acne. Only wanting to PIN twice anyway at most.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bro you due know test is the base for every cycle? Running a 19 Nor with no test is asking for trouble.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Wasn't he supposed to run TRT doses alongside it?

    If not then yeah, you'll need some test in there.

    And if you can tolerate trenbolone it might be a better option than masteron,
    it will certainly build more muscle.
    But I wouldn't say mast is a waste at higher body fat,
    I would say it's better than anavar even at 96% body fat, LOL.

    Though it certainly does shine when body fat is a bit lower.

    And like numbere said about acne, mast p is probably a little harsher than mast e, spiking blood concentrations more.

    But for your purposes trenbolone, if the compound agrees with you, is probably better. Don't even think about running it without test though.

    Running compounds without test is always a bad idea.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well if it were me I would just run test Eth @ 500mg a week.But remember aas isnt a diet aid.Losing weight is all about DIET and burning more cals than you consume.Wat is your bf% ?

  11. #11
    So not gonna run deca Dianabol or anadrol, back when I did cycles before in the late 80s things were not what they are today. Wish I had resources to learn from like this back then.

    If I do HRT it's

    Test Cyp 200 mg once a weeks
    HCG 50 iu twice a week
    1/2mg Anastrzole twice a week on hcg days

    This is what Doctor offered.

    Was looking to run mast e from feedback at 400 mg week for ten weeks on top of that ending in late March. I have till mid January to get on HRT and stable. And get my body fat down. I am probably 18% but based on replies here I will round it up to 20 since it seems everyone underestimates.

    Mid May is when I got fed up and started back. Was 216 and nephew of course provoked asked if I was a porker or pregnant. He is 6.

    Down to 185 now. Looking for 170 to 175 by January unless I get some quick regains from HRT.

    So far diet has worked well, things are slowing now so time to step it up.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by NuckinFutz68 View Post

    Plan for now is to make my decision on HRT. If I decide to go with it then give that a couple of months to level out and see the results. Then move onto something else. I would like to end up around 180 at close to 10%. Goal is to hit these numbers at end of March for the beach in Cancun. Trying to learn all the new stuff posted here and do this a little smarter this time around.
    i'm confused, what is there to decide? you either need it or you dont.
    Hrt is hormone replacement therapy, meaning more than 1 hormone.
    TRT is testosterone re therapy...Trt is not about making gains, but maintaining
    you physiological function, the gains you make night get you back to where
    you were as a young man, but not gonna make you Arnold..
    now you wanna add more gear, but you dont know about the longevity
    of HRT/TRT, its usually a life long commitiment, I think you should
    consider just doing another cycle, but as you have stated, you wish there
    was this kind of info when you did cycle in the past.....
    well load up and read, PCT length, timing, supps, diet, its all here,
    dont rush it, get your HRT/TRT in line first

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