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Thread: gyno issue

  1. #1

    gyno issue

    Just doing some reading and all the sudden my nipples feel sensitive, I gave them a squeeze no lump or mass but sensitive. I'm in week 6 of test 500mg twice weekly with hcg and armidex 0.25 eod. Im planning to go blood work on tuesday but now this comes up.

    So I just took a 1mg armidex and tamoxifen 40mg, I'm planning to do 1mg of arimidex EOD and tamoxifen 40 mg for 1 week every day and drop it to 20 mg until this goes away per directions on reversal.

    can I continue to inject and finish out cycle since I'm adding precaution? I figure with my blood work on tuesday I should be more informed of my levels. I wanted to do a 10 week cycle, so a month left. Yeah i should've done blood check sooner but freaking work took up all my day hours and I live in a state where you can't get it done so I have to drive a while to get to a state that does.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Nipple sensitivity is not a sign of gynecomastia.

    Nipple sensitivity can occur anytime there is a hormone imbalance, i.e. when taking exogenous amounts of testosterone.

    Unless you have a physical lump you don't have gyno.

    It's not a good idea to change your AI dose without first having blood work, especially during a first cycle.

    Imo you should stop taking nolva and resume your normal AI dose then have bw next week that includes a sensitive estradiol LC/MS assay.

    Yes, you can continue your biweekly test injections.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I see many threads on gyno worries. I had it naturally as a teen and YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE IT. My nipples are sensitive off and on but a giant hard knot deep under your nipple that is so sensitive you want to kill the person that bumps it with a pillow... that is hard to miss. Rest easy.

  4. #4
    Almost feel a bit better but what if my nipples are erected and hard as hell, they look huge, been like this all day but still no lump or mass just my hard as nips lol, they are so erected, they look twice the size

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I hear ya mine get the same way but the knot is unmistakable. It's like a knot of pain. Like a tiny malformed sensitive testicle under your tit. For it to be bumped would be a wave of pain across your chest.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Nipple sensitivity, swelling and hardness are common for lots of ppl. Its a increase in estrogen.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by BuildingBlock View Post
    Almost feel a bit better but what if my nipples are erected and hard as hell, they look huge, been like this all day but still no lump or mass just my hard as nips lol, they are so erected, they look twice the size
    That's just a side effect your body has from increased androgens.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    I've had gyno, while i didn't think it was that painfull they were sensitive,
    and the lump under the nip is pretty hard to miss.
    No lump no gyno.

  9. #9
    Thanks everyone for the info, a lot of weight has been lifted off my shoulders, now I can hit the gym stress free

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