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Thread: ** Pin, Barrel, and Injection Information**

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    ** Pin, Barrel, and Injection Information**

    Hi everyone, I noticed a few threads getting started lately about pin sizes ect. So i thought i could give some information for the new ppl starting out in AAS.

    First off, Subcutaneous (SUB Q)

    We mostly use 1ml insulin syringes for this, although you do get 0.5ml as well. You would use this way of injection for HCG,HGH, Peptides.

    Subcutaneous injections (Sub Q) goes into the fatty tissue below the skin and requires a smaller shorter needle. A pin that is 0.5" to 5/8 of an inch long with a gauge of 25 to 31 is fine. As for injection volume (ml) 0.5 to 0.75ml at the most, as it is only sub q so you could get a lump with a larger volume.
    Ok as for Sub Q sites,
    The abdomen, Keep away from the belly button around 2-3" away is good,
    The Quad 4-5" below the hip bone and the same from the kneecap up
    The Glute
    There is more sites but this is just to get started.

    Ok, Intramuscular Injection (IM)

    Syringe (barrel) Size and needle (PIN) Size

    Syringe (Barrels) For example, the packet will say 3ml meaning that the syringe (barrel) will hold up to 3ml of oil. 1cc, cubic centimeter is the same amount as 1mL. When getting your syringe, (Barrel) make sure that the amount of oil you need to draw will fit into the syringe lol. (Don’t use a 1mL barrel when you need to draw 2mL for example) Hahaha. The most used barrels is a 2-3-5ml
    Needles, (Pins)

    Needles are labeled differently. The packet will have a number, then a G, then another number. The first number (in front of the G) is the gauge of the needle. The higher the number, the thinner the needle. The second number is the length of the needle. For example, a 22 G 1/2" needle has a gauge of 22 and a length of 1/2" long.

    Drawing your oil from the vial, a 20g pin is good, or even 21-22G you don't really wan't to use a 18g as after so many times the rubber stopper can fail from such a large G pin.

    Right, some IM injection sites for the beginner.

    The glute

    The side delt
    The Quad

    Glute.. Half it vertical then horizontal, you want to pin in the top right quarter

    Side delt simple really lol you want to go right in the center of the side delt

    The quade take the ball of your hand, joint at the wrist. place that on your hip bone where your fingers are that's the place, roughly where your pocket is on your jeans. Pants pocket over the pond haha. on the out side (Right) of the quad.

    This is the three most popular injection sites, Whether it is your first cycle or one hundredth. You need to rotate injection sites, after a period of time you will build up scare tissue, This is where you continually cut the muscle with a pin due to injections. A pin is just like a razor sharp knife it cuts through tissue, so after time the cut tissue get tougher and tougher. So when you come to pin it is very hard to push the pin in to the site and even trying to inject your oil is difficult if at all possible.

    Ok, The injection it's self. Don't be scared we have all been there for the first time lol so i do know. I was petrified of needles i really was, I don't like them now i just got used to them.

    The two most used pins are a 23g 1.25"-1.5" and a 25g 1" there is no need to pin your self with a 21-22g. 23g 1.25-.15" is great for glutes, some use this for delts as well. A 25g is fine for delts. You want the pin buried in to the muscle, Always Always aspirate, Once you have your pin in the muscle try and keep your hand as steady as possible as the razor sharp pin will cut the muscle and it will be sore. Back to the aspiration lol. Again once your in slightly draw back on the plunger you might get a few little bubbles, that's fine your ok. If you draw blood DO NOT INJECT as you are in a vein , if you inject that oil you will hit the ground faster than a sack of tatties lol not good.

    If you get blood in the barrel just take out change pin if you wish and start again. If all is good after aspiration slowly inject your compound there is no rush at all. Some ppl complain about oil coming out after the injection, that's fine no big deal it's only a very very small amount. You can use the Z track, all you do is where you are going to pin just slightly pull the skin to one side inject once done let go then it will close the injection hole so no leakage.

    Always do your injections in a safe clean environment preferably in your own home, use alcohol gel on your hand after washing them (before pin) and use a alcohol swab on the site before injection. Keep everything clean to reduce infection, please use the wee yellow boxes we get for pins just put your barrels in them as well, OH and get a box of each pin size and a box of barrels, they are so cheap.

    Do not just get enough for a single cycle you could drop, break, bend, pins and barrels.

    This is just some information for new ppl coming in to the world of AAS i hope this helps you. You know where to find us if you need more help/information

    Last edited by clarky.; 10-21-2016 at 05:26 PM. Reason: links

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Not here.
    Thank you Clarky, awesome information!

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Excellent Clarky

    defiantly will help many members

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    Damn good stuff Clarky!!!

    Way to go..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Nice write up Clarky!

    The only other advice I'd have for a rookie is to make a habit of securing the needle to the barrel immediately after opening up a new syringe that has the needle attached.

    You don't have to shoot a vial across the bathroom and down a flight of stairs too many times before learning this the hard way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Nice write up Clarky!

    The only other advice I'd have for a rookie is to make a habit of securing the needle to the barrel immediately after opening up a new syringe that has the needle attached.

    You don't have to shoot a vial across the bathroom and down a flight of stairs too many times before learning this the hard way.
    Lmfao. Remembering my first pin. Did this exact thing. Except the pin hit the ceiling of the bathroom. And I lost almost. 5cc of my sust.

    Clarky very nice write job

  7. #7
    Nice write up, now how soon shall we expect to see someone start a thread asking what needle to use lol?

  8. #8
    I've recently stopped injecting with 25g, and switched to 22g, and 23g. Glutes and quads. So much easier, to keep a steady hand, when the oil flows smoothly. I'll never go back.

  9. #9
    If anyone is considering sub-q, I'll just add to google "bd 305536". Its like an overgrown insulin syringe, zero loss at the end of the barrel, easily draw and inject, and they're cheap! Trays of 25 for less than 3 bucks.

    Anyone who says you can't draw with a smaller needle doesn't understand the whole picture. They're right, a 31g needle on a 3cc barrel and it ain't gonna happen at more than glacial speeds. Short 31g needle on a tiny .3cc barrel and its about 20 seconds to fill to .3 cc.

    For amounts between .3 and .5 cc I use the BD needle above. For anything under .3 its a BD 31g 5/16" .3cc insulin syringe.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Thanks fellas.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    nice job brother...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

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