Thread: Second Cycle Test Cyp and Anavar
10-27-2016, 05:23 PM #1
Second Cycle Advice Please - Test Cyp and Anavar
I'm stealing from Austinite's template for this:
I want to get some critique on my cycle so that you can make me aware if I am missing anything (and how I've already made mistakes
Here are my stats:
I'm 44 years old male
5'10" tall
182 lbs
15% body fat
This is my 2nd cycle. My first was testosterone enanthate at 500mg per week for 11 weeks with d-bol @30mg/ed for the first month. Nolva was used almost daily (I forget what dose) and PCT was Nolva and Clomid. Recovery was rough mentally though I kept some great gains and loved it. That was a decade ago.
I've been training since I was a teenager but mostly for sport (I compete in BJJ). I've suffered the usual sprains and snaps associated with BJJ competition but nothing catastrophic.
My goal is to get super strong and lean: I am not looking for any particular aesthetic look, pure function: speed and strength. Workouts will be heavy compound lifts 3-5 days a week, heavy BJJ cardio, and speedwork.
Diet is clean and averages about 3000 calories a day. Lots of eggs, sweet potatoes, lean meats, salads, fruits: Almost paleo except for pasta!! I like pasta too much to ever give it up.
Here is my cycle proposal: (I have a friendly Doc so I've got a scrip for everything (except Secret Note below.....) though I don't know how much he knows about TRT/HRT/Cycles).
Week 1 to 16-20: Test C @ 420mg per week. (210mg twice weekly)
Week 1-8 or 8-20: Anavar @ 50mg/ed
Week 1 to 16-20: hCG @ 250-300 IU twice weekly
Week 1 to 16-20: Methyl B-12 1000mcg 2x week IM
Week 1 to 16-20: Adex @ 0.50mg every 3rd day
Week 1-16-20 LiverPlex 500MG NAC /ed
Secret Note: I have dbol that I'm dying to use to kick this thing into gear but Doc really really really doesn't want me to do it.
I'll take two weeks off after last injection and then PCT with Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 and Nolva @ 40/20/20/20
Notes: I did one injection of 2ml test-c last Saturday (420mg total and have been taking the Anavar since Sunday). Also, Doc told me to take 1mg Adex each of the 3 days following the injection which I did for 2 days before I got into reading here....oops. Now I'm planning .5 mg Adex every 3rd day. Also, Doc wants me to inject once a week and I'd rather do two injections a week for the same total weekly dose of Cyp.
Let me know what you think. Thanks.Last edited by Grappler13; 10-27-2016 at 05:40 PM. Reason: New Title
10-27-2016, 06:22 PM #2
There is no need to run a cycle 16 to 20 weeks.10 to 12 is good beacuse there comes a time when it just isnt worth being on beacuse the gains slow to much.Adex @ 1mg every 3 days seems like a lot to me.But you will know if your E2 crashes.
10-27-2016, 06:52 PM #3
When I was on here a decade ago reading and learning, I don't think E2 was being talked about! I'm backing way off of the Adex. It's amazing how far we've come with AAS but, at the same time, how far we can go.
10-27-2016, 08:06 PM #4
I know wat you mean when I 1st ran aas in the early 80s we didnt have AIs and pct was 2 shots of HCG .I gave blood 1 time and the woman hooked me up and went to leave until she seen how fast the blood filled the bag.My BP was at its limit she said. Most guys start out at .25 EOD and go from there.
10-28-2016, 12:18 PM #5
Keep an eye on your gains. If you stop making gains, then stop the cycle. For me a normal Test Cyp cycles runs about 14 weeks.
10-28-2016, 03:12 PM #6
10-28-2016, 08:29 PM #7
10-28-2016, 09:40 PM #8
I'm currently on my second cycle, dbol + test only. I did ask about adding anavar towards the end of the cycle but everyone kinda disagreed on it.
Because I'm planning early on starting another cycle mid 2017; 4 months after this cycle+pct has ended, using the same compounds you've listed in this thread. but I might swap anavar with winny.
Hope to see great advice here, will follow..
10-28-2016, 09:43 PM #9
I'm just getting started and trying to get some extra advice on the Cyp dose and whether to run dbol and hold the anavar for the next cycle. My first cycle was test-e @ 500mg/wk for 11 weeks and 30mg dbol for the 1st 5 weeks. Loved it. Good luck with your cycle. Are you running hCG and Adex?
10-28-2016, 10:53 PM #10
Thanks! Yeap, standard protocol. Entering week 3 tomorrow, out of 12 weeks. I'll see my gains and bf% around week 6, then I'll consider adding winny or anavar on week 7-12. Then again, maybe not, I'll do more research and wait word of advice from the forums.
The post I did recently titled: "Second Cycle after 3 years!" (i cant post links yet) i'll log my progress there every now and then. hope to see results here too, since our stats and compounds used are very similar. Good luck!
11-12-2016, 09:26 AM #11
Week 3 Update.
Today is day 21 of the Cycle above. Everything is going well except my appetite. Usually I can't eat enough but I'm going through a bored with food stage which is insane because eating is one of my top 3 favorite activities
So far this is the Cycle protocol at week 3.
Test C @ 520mg per week.
Dbol @ 30mg/ed (Moving to 40mg/ed for the next two weeks)
hCG @ 250-300 IU twice weekly
Methyl B-12 1000mcg 2x week IM
Adex @ 0.50mg every 3rd day
LiverPlex 500MG & 1500 mg NAC/ed (I bought bulk NAC and capped my pills)
Strength and mood are excellent. Great pumps, recovery is excellent and lifts are going up quickly. I've gone from 182lbs to 193lbs and it looks pretty clean (keeping salt intake low so I'm not too swollen).
Only issue I can think of is my BP is high. I remember the dbol being the culprit from last cycle. It went away after I quit taking it so I'm planning on riding it out another two weeks then just the test-c.
Next two week goals:
- Cardio (lots of cardio)
- Less protein supplementation and more fish and meats
- More sleep and recovery.
1) Any thoughts about me moving the Cyp dose up to 600mg?
2) Any thoughts on moving the Dbol to 50mg or even down to 20mg?
3) Any thoughts on keeping the BP lowered?Last edited by Grappler13; 11-12-2016 at 01:20 PM.
11-12-2016, 01:26 PM #12
11-14-2016, 07:37 PM #13
11-14-2016, 07:49 PM #14
I ditched the dbol this weekend and woke to a big layer of water around my stomach. My abs turned into a big water balloon. Good grief!
Yes, I have pre Cycle blood work and will have labs done again at 6 weeks.
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