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Hello all this is my first post after a lot of research and reading the forums.
Firstly a bit about myself
Age 40 height 176
Been training since age 24.
At my heaviest I was 196 pounds.
I hover around 176 at 13% bodyfat.
I train mostly for health and any fat loss is a side effect. I don't train for power but train for size
My training consists of 2 days of weights with the rest being HIIT and Boxing.One day off.
When I lay off the boxing I start to put on size but seeing as how much cardio I get through a week putting on size is painful slow at my age now
Am in good shape with no health problems.
Now that I am starting to slow down in the boxing ring and its getting harder and harder to maintain HIIT scores from even three years ago, I have for the first time considered changing the game up and move more towards bodybuilding for size.
However, I have noticed that I am growing much slower now due to my age than I was 10 or even 5 years ago.
I have never done a cycle and wanted to do just one cycle to put on around 151b of quality muscle and lose fat at the same time.
I cannot get hold of steroids due to living as an expat in Saudi Arabia.
A while back I was back home and arranged to start a cycle of test e 500 a week. However, I was forced to stop after the first jab due to extensive blood tests that are needed for Saudi. I noticed that my face and scalp became very oily over the next few weeks and I grew ravenous with hunger.
I observed no testicular side effects.
The only thing available to me now is Winstrol which I have 60 50mg tablets of. I also have Testosterone Undecoanate (andriol) TRT tables 30mg each cap. The same stuff used for TRT (I am not on TRT)
Right now to the point.
I want to do a winny only cycle and these are my concerns.
I only want to put on around 10 to 15lb of muscle and want to lose fat at the same time.
This will be my first ever cycle so I know this is possible.
My biggest concern is that I have read that steroids can shut you down and there is the off chance that I may never recover.
I had my test levels checked last year and they were 2.45 ng/ml.....I know I know....low. But i still feel good and have no energy lows or bedroom problems. The test was taken at 8 in the evening.
What is the risk of me never recovering from a 4 to 6 week winstrol cycle?
People also say don't take winstrol without a little test as winny will shut you down and the test will keep it alive. Well, what I never understood is that after a test cycle a person is shut down anyway so why just delay the inevitable?
Are there other benefits such as positive synergy between both compounds?
The way I see it is if I add more compounds the risks get larger.
I absolutely cannot afford to lose my sex drive as I want kids in the future and as of yet I function fine in the bedroom.
I am prone to male pattern baldness but have had hair transplants so that will most probably not be a problem
Please advise