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Thread: winstrol only 4 - 6 weeks first and only ever cycle concerns

  1. #1

    winstrol only 4 - 6 weeks first and only ever cycle concerns

    Hello all this is my first post after a lot of research and reading the forums.

    Firstly a bit about myself

    Age 40 height 176

    Been training since age 24.
    At my heaviest I was 196 pounds.

    I hover around 176 at 13% bodyfat.

    I train mostly for health and any fat loss is a side effect. I don't train for power but train for size
    My training consists of 2 days of weights with the rest being HIIT and Boxing.One day off.

    When I lay off the boxing I start to put on size but seeing as how much cardio I get through a week putting on size is painful slow at my age now

    Am in good shape with no health problems.

    Now that I am starting to slow down in the boxing ring and its getting harder and harder to maintain HIIT scores from even three years ago, I have for the first time considered changing the game up and move more towards bodybuilding for size.

    However, I have noticed that I am growing much slower now due to my age than I was 10 or even 5 years ago.

    I have never done a cycle and wanted to do just one cycle to put on around 151b of quality muscle and lose fat at the same time.

    I cannot get hold of steroids due to living as an expat in Saudi Arabia.

    A while back I was back home and arranged to start a cycle of test e 500 a week. However, I was forced to stop after the first jab due to extensive blood tests that are needed for Saudi. I noticed that my face and scalp became very oily over the next few weeks and I grew ravenous with hunger.

    I observed no testicular side effects.

    The only thing available to me now is Winstrol which I have 60 50mg tablets of. I also have Testosterone Undecoanate (andriol) TRT tables 30mg each cap. The same stuff used for TRT (I am not on TRT)

    Right now to the point.

    I want to do a winny only cycle and these are my concerns.

    I only want to put on around 10 to 15lb of muscle and want to lose fat at the same time.

    This will be my first ever cycle so I know this is possible.

    My biggest concern is that I have read that steroids can shut you down and there is the off chance that I may never recover.

    I had my test levels checked last year and they were 2.45 ng/ml.....I know I know....low. But i still feel good and have no energy lows or bedroom problems. The test was taken at 8 in the evening.

    What is the risk of me never recovering from a 4 to 6 week winstrol cycle?

    People also say don't take winstrol without a little test as winny will shut you down and the test will keep it alive. Well, what I never understood is that after a test cycle a person is shut down anyway so why just delay the inevitable?

    Are there other benefits such as positive synergy between both compounds?

    The way I see it is if I add more compounds the risks get larger.

    I absolutely cannot afford to lose my sex drive as I want kids in the future and as of yet I function fine in the bedroom.

    I am prone to male pattern baldness but have had hair transplants so that will most probably not be a problem

    Please advise

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    The problem with a Winstrol only cycle is that you'll experience shut down while doing the cycle, and Winstrol doesn't function like T in your body,
    so you're gonna have a high Winstrol/stanozolol concentration in your blood, but almost no T. This will lead to symptoms of low T even while on the cycle.
    You're also gonna crash your E2 (estrogen) values, as these come from conversion of test to E.

    It's overall a bad idea IMO.

    Read the sticky "my first cycle..."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    As for recovery.
    You're allready in need of TRT.
    You just don't feel the symptoms yet.
    Do bloodwork again before your cycle, if it's still that low you'll need to correct it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    the problem with orals is that it is hard to keep gains, I do not do any orals anymore it was always waste of time

    you could try short cycles like

    test prop + npp for 8 weeks, it is short and you do not really need any PCT you recover fast on your own.

  5. #5
    I understand but having no T while on cycle or having T while on cycle with Test E and winstrol will ultimately be the same as test levels will drop anyway when off cycle. So why do we need to add test in the mix.

    I think keeping modest gains comes down to diet and how quick one can get estrogen levels down and test back up.

    Hypothetically what would a 4 week cycle on winny only do?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    I would suggest running PCT after 8 week cycles.
    Your pituitary has after all been shut down for 8 weeks minimum.

    But this guy has such low T values he could try using clomid or nolva or both and see if this would be enough as TRT.
    (He needs to do a second blood test anyways,
    but I suspect he'll need exogenous T now or soon in the future)

  7. #7
    Lol I have sex 4 days a week. I am super fit and never have energy dips. Yes my Test is low and I don't feel any problems.

    I am slowing down in the gym and that is because of a calorie restricted diet which I screwed up by not taking into account the huge number of calories I was expending in the gym.

    These figures were from last year. So I guess I have been running on low test for a few years now as a superman. Everybody reacts differently and I feel fine. Maybe in the future I may need it but not yet...... I cannot get hold of anything else except winny and some TRT caps which I have.

    I need to know how to run this cycle to put on only 10lb of mass. telling me otherwise is appreciated but it wont help as I cant get hold of anything else.

    If I run a four week cycle will I see results?

  8. #8
    You are not going to put on 10lbs of muscle in a 4 week cycle.
    You'd be lucky to get 4lbs.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by aamir View Post
    Hello all this is my first post after a lot of research and reading the forums.

    Firstly a bit about myself

    Age 40 height 176

    Been training since age 24.
    At my heaviest I was 196 pounds.

    I hover around 176 at 13% bodyfat.

    I train mostly for health and any fat loss is a side effect. I don't train for power but train for size
    My training consists of 2 days of weights with the rest being HIIT and Boxing.One day off.

    When I lay off the boxing I start to put on size but seeing as how much cardio I get through a week putting on size is painful slow at my age now

    Am in good shape with no health problems.

    Now that I am starting to slow down in the boxing ring and its getting harder and harder to maintain HIIT scores from even three years ago, I have for the first time considered changing the game up and move more towards bodybuilding for size.

    However, I have noticed that I am growing much slower now due to my age than I was 10 or even 5 years ago.

    I have never done a cycle and wanted to do just one cycle to put on around 151b of quality muscle and lose fat at the same time.

    I cannot get hold of steroids due to living as an expat in Saudi Arabia.

    A while back I was back home and arranged to start a cycle of test e 500 a week. However, I was forced to stop after the first jab due to extensive blood tests that are needed for Saudi. I noticed that my face and scalp became very oily over the next few weeks and I grew ravenous with hunger.

    I observed no testicular side effects.

    The only thing available to me now is Winstrol which I have 60 50mg tablets of. I also have Testosterone Undecoanate (andriol) TRT tables 30mg each cap. The same stuff used for TRT (I am not on TRT)

    Right now to the point.

    I want to do a winny only cycle and these are my concerns.

    I only want to put on around 10 to 15lb of muscle and want to lose fat at the same time.

    This will be my first ever cycle so I know this is possible.

    My biggest concern is that I have read that steroids can shut you down and there is the off chance that I may never recover.

    I had my test levels checked last year and they were 2.45 ng/ml.....I know I know....low. But i still feel good and have no energy lows or bedroom problems. The test was taken at 8 in the evening.

    What is the risk of me never recovering from a 4 to 6 week winstrol cycle?

    People also say don't take winstrol without a little test as winny will shut you down and the test will keep it alive. Well, what I never understood is that after a test cycle a person is shut down anyway so why just delay the inevitable?

    Are there other benefits such as positive synergy between both compounds?

    The way I see it is if I add more compounds the risks get larger.

    I absolutely cannot afford to lose my sex drive as I want kids in the future and as of yet I function fine in the bedroom.

    I am prone to male pattern baldness but have had hair transplants so that will most probably not be a problem

    Please advise
    If you want to gain 15lbs of lean muscle you need to run at least 500mg/ed of Andriol. The winny will help you lean out the muscle you'll gain from the Andriol. Really, the key to the whole 15lbs of lean body mass is going to be your diet. You need to calculate your TDEE and make sure you eat clean and more than your TDEE. Good luck

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If you want to gain 15lbs of lean muscle you need to run at least 500mg/ed of Andriol. The winny will help you lean out the muscle you'll gain from the Andriol. Really, the key to the whole 15lbs of lean body mass is going to be your diet. You need to calculate your TDEE and make sure you eat clean and more than your TDEE. Good luck
    15lbs of muscle in 4 weeks.
    no fucking way.

    15lbs of water maybe.

  11. #11
    So I guess I should run the winny for 6 weeks max alongside TRT test caps 100mg or 200mg a day.

    I still don't understand running test with winny as in both instances with and without I will be shut down eventually. Is it only as a feel good factor while I am on cycle?

    I am also really scared of shutting down forever. I am 40 and on the low end of natural test anyway. My Rocky punches fine at all hours and I don't want to mess with him.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Running winny only or T only or both or whatever, will cause your body to STOP producing T, until you quit and levels of AAS fall down so that your body will restart its T production.

    As it happens, T has a lot of functions in your body.
    Winny cannot fulfill all these roles.

    But let's just go with "it's a feel good factor", because the feeling of very low T, is horrible. So that in itself is reason enough.
    And without going into detail, it's also very unhealthy to go with low T.

    Do another blood test ASAP btw.
    If you still got such low T values, even though you feel fine now,
    it's actually not good for you, and when you end up with libido and ED issues,
    It might not be so easy to fix them.

    Only andriol and winny?
    Well it can be done, andriol will keep your T levels in normal range at least.
    But don't expect to much from such a cycle.

    Regarding shut down, do you have access to PCT meds like nolva and clomid?

    But before even thinking about this check your T levels first.

  13. #13
    I will get my levels checked whenever I can and only then start.

    I have hcg shots and nolva.

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