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Thread: Pip help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Pip help

    Hi guys, currently running my second cycle of test e 500mg a week, halfway through and into my second bottle which is different to my first bottle, both pins from this bottle have created really painful pip which lasts for two- three days. Pain sets in about 5 hours after and is strong enough to keep me awake at night, feels better when I'm up moving around during the day but still very sore, first injection from the new bottle was my glute and second was the delt and both were identical in pain symptoms. Painkillers help a little also.

    23/ gauge needle
    First bottle was a ugl and no problem
    Second bottle is alpha pharma testabolin in sealed box.

    Thanks guys for any feedback, not sure what to do here.

  2. #2
    Alpha Pharma is a good company. I've run their stuff before. 23ga is a pretty healthy sized needle. I use 26ga. I bled too much after injection with a 23ga pin. PIP just sorta happens sometimes. I honestly don't have a good answer why. I get PIP from my own brew but most of the time it's smooth as silk. If you're half way through your second vial, you're almost done with your cycle, yes? Either tough out the last couple of injections or just stop your cycle and do PCT. The additional gains may not be worth the pain in the rear. No pun intended. LOL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Sorry can't help either.

    I only got a little PIP when doing SubQ shots.
    Only notice it when I put on a lifting-belt over the shot or the like.

    You might get used to the new gear, my experience with alpha Pharma is very good. No pip at all.
    Or do as Scotch said.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I usually inject with a 21g. Have you tried cutting it with some sterile oil?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Alpha Pharma is a good company. I've run their stuff before. 23ga is a pretty healthy sized needle. I use 26ga. I bled too much after injection with a 23ga pin. PIP just sorta happens sometimes. I honestly don't have a good answer why. I get PIP from my own brew but most of the time it's smooth as silk. If you're half way through your second vial, you're almost done with your cycle, yes? Either tough out the last couple of injections or just stop your cycle and do PCT. The additional gains may not be worth the pain in the rear. No pun intended. LOL
    haha thanks mate. I'm actually in my 6th week so I've only pinned the alpha pharma twice and that's why I was concerned as it's never happened before, I'm happy to keep going as I feel I'm at my peak with this cycle and don't want to stop now. Also I'm not sure if I didn't go deep enough last shot and if that would make a difference,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Na mate I haven't, I'll wait until next week and maybe go a little slower and see what happens and go from there.

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