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Thread: Strange injecting problems

  1. #1
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Strange injecting problems

    So, loaded up the syringe with 1 cc 250 sus, 1 cc 150 masteron and halv a cc 250 hcg . In that order. Meaning, the hcg was the first to go out as it doesnt mix with the oil.

    Well, ive done severel hundred shots and never had problems. (But never mixed in this order before.) But this time i failed, after the needle was deep in my ass, i just couldnt push the drugs in. It was too hard, like some alien vacuum beetween inside the syringe beetween the hcg and the oil. I pushed harder and oups the syringe slipped out of the needle and the drugs were pushed out outside my body and were lost.

    Then i loaded up with just oilbased and it went smooth like before.

    So, have some of you guys experienced difficult injections when mixing water and oil and the water is supposed to go in first.
    Maybe i should load up the waterbased first so the oil is the first in line next time. Or do two shots.

    I have mixed oil and water before and noticed it was harder to push but not this hard. Maybe i i loaded the oil last then and its easier to push when the oil is the first to go in, dont remember.

    But everywhere they say you can mix whatever u want in the syringe without problemes.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 11-11-2016 at 06:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    So, loaded up the syringe with 1 cc 250 sus, 1 cc 150 masteron and halv a cc 250 hcg . In that order. Meaning, the hcg was the first to go out as it doesnt mix with the oil.

    Well, ive done severel hundred shots and never had problems. (But never mixed in this order before.) But this time i failed, after the needle was deep in my ass, i just couldnt push the drugs in. It was too hard, like some alien vacuum beetween inside the syringe beetween the hcg and the oil. I pushed harder and oups the syringe slipped out of the needle and the drugs were pushed out outside my body and were lost.

    Then i loaded up with just oilbased and it went smooth like before.

    So, have some of you guys experienced difficult injections when mixing water and oil and the water is supposed to go in first.
    Maybe i should load up the waterbased first so the oil is the first in line next time. Or do two shots.

    I have mixed oil and water before and noticed it was harder to push but not this hard. Maybe i i loaded the oil last then and its easier to push when the oil is the first to go in, dont remember.

    But everywhere they say you can mix whatever u want in the syringe without problemes.
    U hit scar tissue.

    How often do u change many locations for u use
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  3. #3
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    ^^^^^ plenty of sites to use

  4. #4
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    U hit scar tissue.

    How often do u change many locations for u use
    i always use the same spot...rigth top ass.....but never more than 2,5 cc and just mon wed fri...

    scartissue...?? how come i never saw this problem before. It just occurs when i mix water and oil and especially if the water is to go in first and oil is pressing from behind? Just water si very simple. Always.

  5. #5
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    You should have pulled the plunge to try and release it, not push harder lol

    Beats me why you still doing water and oil shots :/

    Start injecting your lats, plenty of meat there

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin
    i always use the same spot...rigth top ass.....but never more than 2,5 cc and just mon wed fri... scartissue...?? how come i never saw this problem before. It just occurs when i mix water and oil and especially if the water is to go in first and oil is pressing from behind? Just water si very simple. Always.

    You inject in the same spot three times a week?
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    i always use the same spot...rigth top ass.....but never more than 2,5 cc and just mon wed fri...

    scartissue...?? how come i never saw this problem before. It just occurs when i mix water and oil and especially if the water is to go in first and oil is pressing from behind? Just water si very simple. Always.
    Its best to rotate your injection sites to lessen scar tissue in those particular areas.

  8. #8
    Strongblood's Avatar
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    Your pinning the same spot to often Sil. Pin the other cheek for a while, then rotate them. You can do it bro! I have faith!

  9. #9
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Pin the lats, lets see if you are a real viking!
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  10. #10
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    I never understand why some don't rotate sites. What's the point?
    Whatever happened Sil, start rotating, at the very least use both quads and both glutes, that's 4 sites, and then divide the quads into 2, little above middle and little below middle, and you got 6 sites. That way it would take 2 weeks before you hit the same site, and since one rarely hits the exact same place, this should be plenty. But if you haven't tried delts and triceps please do, and then you'll join the everlasting discussion of whether there's any site specific growth in the process.

    Also, I've noticed a lot says to mix hCG with their gear.
    I'm old fashioned that way, hCG SubQ with an insulin syringe is sweet IMO.
    The only water i mix with oil is when doing Winstrol , mainly because the Winstrol with big particle size doesn't clog small needles as easily when mixed with oil. When I used test suspension that were micronized to go through an insulin syringe, I prefer it unmixed, as it hits me faster that way.

    Oh, and when a shot stops/clogs the needle, don't push, try and pull as BB said, if that don't work, pull out and replace the needle. If that doesn't work pull out and replace with a bigger needle.

  11. #11
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    I have been cycling for a long time and I run into the same issue when injecting my glutes (my glute has become a pin cushion over the years). If the plunder is stuck, stop pushing and pull just the plunger back in the syringe like aspirating then push the plunger again. If that doesn't work, draw the needle out just a little and repeat the same process. If neither of this technique works, find a new injection spot.

  12. #12
    NACH3's Avatar
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    I like hCG subQ in a slin syringe - I have never mixed oil & water in the same syringe(I do mix all my oils obviously) - just my .02
    Last edited by NACH3; 11-11-2016 at 12:24 PM.

  13. #13
    Strongblood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    I like hCG subQ in a slin syringe - I have never mixed oil & water in the same syringe(I do mix all my oils obviously) - just my .02
    So do I Nach. It's just too easy to inject HCG subq. with a slin pin, than to go through all that. But the hell with subq. oil injections! Just saying!
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongblood View Post
    So do I Nach. It's just too easy to inject HCG subq. with a slin pin, than to go through all that. But the hell with subq. oil injections! Just saying!
    Lol no I agree Strongblood - way to easy to

    Ahh yes oil... although hCG really helps me with my well being too that I've found out

    Doesn't really make sense to me to do an IM hCG shot over simple subQ - unless it's a large volume dose(fertility etc)

  15. #15
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Pin the lats, lets see if you are a real viking!
    He should pin his calf, if he is a real viking hahaha.

    Anyway that's a waste of mast, it will not do a single thing for you. Got be be about 10%bf or less for it to shine, Just saying.
    Mr.BB likes this.

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