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Thread: Questions about inherited juice!!

  1. #1

    Questions about inherited juice!!

    Hello everyone im a newb at this as my name implies but my friend just left to go to thailand for a few months (probably to re up) and told me i could make use of all his left over gear as he would be bringing back more with him. ive done some research on the products and get the jist of what they are and how they are used but am interested in stacking to increase the effects of the products. I'm wondering if there are any aussies that might have used these products or anyone that has used successful stacking methods that might pertain to these drugs. I'll list off what he left me with and what i have been using already. I am currently on a cycle of sustanon 250 (250/ml) (dose- 1ml every two days) and Liquidex (30Ml 1MG/mL) (dose-1ml ever two days). as far as i understand it Sustanon is testosterone with long esters and liquidex suppresses the estrogen. I have only been on the cycle for two an a half weeks and have noticed a few side effects such as over sweating and an increase in body temp but im not too fussed seems manageable. The unused products i still hae are: (*** products) liquid clomi 70ml 35mg/ml, (*** products) liquid tamox 50ml 20mg/ml, ! vial of CJC1295 2mg in powder form, and finally 2 vials of GHRP-6 5mg in powder form. After a lil research i learned that the late are growth hormons and im pretty sure the liquid stuff is more anti estro meant for post cycles. If anyone has experience using these products or can lend me some advice it would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    What's your stats and cycle history?

    Your running way to much test for your first cycle... 500mgs/wk is plenty! iquidex should be used at .5mgs/EOD @ that dose of test(what's your bf%) the higher you are more aromatase .occurs. Pull blood work at the mid way point for any adjustments in liquidex etc.... 1ml/dex eod will probly crash your estrogen(E2)

    Where's your hCG on cycle?? 250iu 2x wkly throughout cycle!!

    Read these and come back and ask any other questions you have! Good luck

  3. #3
    One note... I would ONLY use those injects if they are sealed and never been opened or used.
    The orals should be just fine as long as you trust your buddy.

  4. #4
    I wouldn't use it just because its there.

    That being said, is there enough test to run 12 weeks? If not no point in shutting yourself down for nothing, or little results.

    I wouldn't use the GH PEPTIDES.

    ALL THE other stuff, adex, clomid, Nolva. Are great to have, cuzz you'll need them most.

    Adex for estrogen control on cycle
    Clomid and Nolva for pct.

    Is get some hcg also.

    But, this stuff ain't supplements, pre workout mix, etc. These are serious drugs that will change everything the way your body works, inside mostly.

    Research tons.

    As said above, stop the e2d sustanon shots, space them every 3.5 days.

    Its fine you have 2 weeks in at 750mg, but knock it down to 500mg per week, 250mg monday, 250mg Thursday.

    Consider the extra during the first 2 weeks a front load.

    Be safe.

    Be over 25, etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    These kinds of threads always strike me as ass backwards. You have to do research and find the best gear to match your specific goals, experience, etc. You don't use stuff for a cycle because it's handy. You use what's needed.

    To put another way, if you were trying to cut weight, you wouldn't just eat whatever your buddy left in the fridge. You would need the proper food and the proper amounts.
    Last edited by Nephets; 11-12-2016 at 03:56 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    This is a good example how people mess their bodies up.You NEVER! EVER put something into your body unless you now wat you are doing.And this doesn't include wat guys at the gym say or wat your friends say.Just beacuse they put on some size dont mean they didn't mess themselves up inside.And you were taking enough Adex to crash your E2! Educate before you medicate.

  7. #7
    So what exactly do the peptides do? for all those that have their concerns..... i am attempting to educate myself on the subject which is why i posted. also these roids fell inmy lap its eiher me use em, i go try and sell em at local gym, or i chuck em, im just trying to put them to good use. I understand that ur concern is coming from a good place but honestly if u are not offering constructive criticism i don't need u to post. I am over 25 in decent shape and i trust the info i have gathered from the internet. Thanks for all your help especially nach3. im unsure of my body fat and what do u mean by HCG the powdered petptides? i am currently not using the peptides when should i introduce them to the cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by aussienewb View Post
    So what exactly do the peptides do? for all those that have their concerns..... i am attempting to educate myself on the subject which is why i posted. also these roids fell inmy lap its eiher me use em, i go try and sell em at local gym, or i chuck em, im just trying to put them to good use. I understand that ur concern is coming from a good place but honestly if u are not offering constructive criticism i don't need u to post. I am over 25 in decent shape and i trust the info i have gathered from the internet. Thanks for all your help especially nach3. im unsure of my body fat and what do u mean by HCG the powdered petptides? i am currently not using the peptides when should i introduce them to the cycle?
    stop doing whatever you are doing, im sure no one here knows what you are doing, as you clearly dont know what you are doing.
    you might have read some stuff on the internet, or a few posts on here, but you have not
    researched, pct, bw, before injecting,during, and posted no stats
    you might get lucky if you carry on and not suffer any immediate side effects from
    what youre taking, and luck out with a pct, but a few years from now might be a different story.
    stash away the goods,(they should keep for awhile) do youre research, then when youre
    ready to take them, do some more research...while youre going through that, clean up your diet, get on a good workout program and schedule, then start your cycle

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    They just told U what to do and what not to do. It is constructive. No offense

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