Hello everyone im a newb at this as my name implies but my friend just left to go to thailand for a few months (probably to re up) and told me i could make use of all his left over gear as he would be bringing back more with him. ive done some research on the products and get the jist of what they are and how they are used but am interested in stacking to increase the effects of the products. I'm wondering if there are any aussies that might have used these products or anyone that has used successful stacking methods that might pertain to these drugs. I'll list off what he left me with and what i have been using already. I am currently on a cycle of sustanon 250 (250/ml) (dose- 1ml every two days) and Liquidex (30Ml 1MG/mL) (dose-1ml ever two days). as far as i understand it Sustanon is testosterone with long esters and liquidex suppresses the estrogen. I have only been on the cycle for two an a half weeks and have noticed a few side effects such as over sweating and an increase in body temp but im not too fussed seems manageable. The unused products i still hae are: (*** products) liquid clomi 70ml 35mg/ml, (*** products) liquid tamox 50ml 20mg/ml, ! vial of CJC1295 2mg in powder form, and finally 2 vials of GHRP-6 5mg in powder form. After a lil research i learned that the late are growth hormons and im pretty sure the liquid stuff is more anti estro meant for post cycles. If anyone has experience using these products or can lend me some advice it would be much appreciated.