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  1. #1
    Nikkeri91 is offline New Member
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    Need advice with cycle's end

    I'm on last month of my steroid cycle and i dont know should i drop tren out? I'm targeting to get lean musclemass i weight now 200 pounds bodyfat% is about 9 - 10
    My cycle's last month looks like this:

    Test ena 1 - 4 1250mg
    Deca 1 - 4 600mg
    Tren 1 - 4 225mg
    Hgh 1 - 4 8iu (poor quality)
    Anadrol 1 - 4 100mg
    Dostinex 1 - 4 0.50mg
    Tamoxifen 1 -4 10mg
    Insulin rapid 1 - 4 4iu pwo

    I know dosage's are high. This cycle is 3 month long, and i have upped test from 750mg deca 300mg. Tren was one point 450mg, and i kept deca low. I'm targeting to get 240pound end of next year and cut from there. Before this cycle i was on 5 month test solo run, and 3 month eq 400 - 750mg + test 500mg. I've had 5 long cycle's berofe these but had 1.5 year brake.

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you going to pct?

  3. #3
    Nikkeri91 is offline New Member
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    No. I'm dropping test to 500mg and hgh 4iu and start bulking at middle of january

  4. #4
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nikkeri91 View Post
    No. I'm dropping test to 500mg and hgh 4iu and start bulking at middle of january
    U bother with bloods?

  5. #5
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nikkeri91 View Post
    No. I'm dropping test to 500mg and hgh 4iu and start bulking at middle of january
    Then its pointless to drop tren or deca .

    Do some bloodwork. Make sure you are healthy. 500mg is still a high amount for cruising, and you are still 200lbs, how much will you need when you are 240lbs?

  6. #6
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    Deca only 4 weeks might as well notbuse deca. Deca takes 4 weeks to saturate blood levels and work

    My opinion 4 weeks a waste period specially tren and deca and rest together for the period

  7. #7
    michael30's Avatar
    michael30 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    Deca only 4 weeks might as well notbuse deca. Deca takes 4 weeks to saturate blood levels and work

    My opinion 4 weeks a waste period specially tren and deca and rest together for the period
    I think you might of missed part of his post. The op was just giving his cycle layout for the last 4 weeks.

  8. #8
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    so what's ur question...

  9. #9
    DHew's Avatar
    DHew is offline Senior Member
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    Out of curiosity, why is 240 the magic number for you? Do you compete in bb?

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