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Thread: Opinion about cicle - HGh Norditropin Simplex 45 ui??

  1. #1

    Opinion about cicle - HGh Norditropin Simplex 45 ui??

    Hallo to all of you!
    I am 45 years old guy, 6 feet height (183cm), 100 kg weight.
    Even if I used for years whey protein and my diet is balanced without sugar or carbs. I am very careful to each product label and how many calories I eat daily. I make regular exercise 3-4 times/ week in my sport room ...well against those I still got extra weight in time. Few days ago I made some blood tests and my Hgh is under my age range limit (0.04 ng/ml and should be 4-10) and testosterone 11.79pg/ml.
    That for I bought HGh Norditropin Simplex 45 ui for start in my desperate tryin to loose weight until 85-86 kg. My family genetic heritage is a predisposition to be fat. My mum side relatives are diabetic all of them. So, I try to do my best to avoid them condition.
    My request is to some experienced guys with Hgh intake is how I should start this Hgh cycle. How many units and for how long time to use it for decent results.

    Thank you for any help!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	12212192_1044076648958037_1514991181_n.jpg 
Views:	618 
Size:	87.7 KB 
ID:	166424  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by bogdancornel View Post
    Hallo to all of you!
    I am 45 years old guy, 6 feet height (183cm), 100 kg weight.
    Even if I used for years whey protein and my diet is balanced without sugar or carbs. I am very careful to each product label and how many calories I eat daily. I make regular exercise 3-4 times/ week in my sport room ...well against those I still got extra weight in time. Few days ago I made some blood tests and my Hgh is under my age range limit (0.04 ng/ml and should be 4-10) and testosterone 11.79pg/ml.
    That for I bought HGh Norditropin Simplex 45 ui for start in my desperate tryin to loose weight until 85-86 kg. My family genetic heritage is a predisposition to be fat. My mum side relatives are diabetic all of them. So, I try to do my best to avoid them condition.
    My request is to some experienced guys with Hgh intake is how I should start this Hgh cycle. How many units and for how long time to use it for decent results.

    Thank you for any help!
    How much cardio are you doing a week?

  3. #3
    Daily on my cross trainer 15-20-30 min before I go to work, 5 times on week. Length of training depend of how I slept over night. My sleep pattern is really bad. I tried in the evening time as well but I cannot sleep over night after training. I live in UK where weather is not friendly for outdoor running or bike. More than that, 5 years ago a car hit me in a car park and broke badly my tibia. Now I have a metalic stick inside my tibia bone. That limit my cardio options because my left leg is now around 70%-75% functional.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    I've always felt that no drug will get you as lean as a good diet will. Can you post up what your eating or pop over to the diet section.

  5. #5
    Each single morning 6:30 after cross training - 150 g cottage cheese + 1 or 2 scoop whey protein, one banana or frozen berries. Around 10 AM one boiled egg or tuna can. Lunch time always 200 gr roast chicken or fish with some vegies or salad. Sometimes I skip over 5 PM meal because I am busy at work or I forgot but usually I eat yogurt or cottage chasse with whey protein or only fruits. Around 8 PM or 9 PM always 150 gr cottage chasse with 1-2 scoop whey protein and raw almonds or banana. Sometimes my snacks are almonds or raw nuts. I am café drinker. I use stevia sugar or sintetic sweetener only.

    One time on month or two months I cheat having a dinner with my friends but definitely I chose healthy food as much as possible. Extremely rare alcohol.

  6. #6
    6:30 – 150 gr cottage chasse + 2 scoops whey protein + banana or frozen beries
    10:00- 1-2 boiled eggs or one tuna can
    13:00 – 200 gr chicken, beef or fish + raw salads or vegies
    17:00 – yoghurt or cottage chasse + 1-2 protein scoops + 1 fruit (apple, banana) or one tuna can
    20:30 – 150 gr cottage chasse + 2 protein scoops + almonds, banana or frozen berries

    My snacks are raw nuts or half bar (with 20gr whey protein)

    My fridge is full of healthy food. Rare I drink alcohol (2 glasses of wine maximum) with my friends or I cheat my diet having dinner out (never fast food) time at 2-3 months
    Last edited by bogdancornel; 11-25-2016 at 09:12 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    any idea what the total macro's you have there. what body fat would you say you're at.

  8. #8
    Absolutely no idea about. Sorry for that!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    which don't you know, the amount you are eating or your body fat.

  10. #10
    Please check attached file:

    1st from graphic is body fat
    2nd is visceral fat
    3rd is IMC (Height and weight report)
    4th is muscle mass
    5th water

    59 years old metabolic age

    Regarding food amount I wrote up about and I am careful and defiantly my endomorph body type asimilate all my intake food, different than other people

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Untitled.jpg 
Views:	219 
Size:	99.1 KB 
ID:	166433
    Last edited by bogdancornel; 11-25-2016 at 12:17 PM.

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