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Thread: Dbol - 2 on 1 off

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Dbol - 2 on 1 off

    I'm a fly in fly out worker and can only really look at orals on my working days. I work 14 days on 7 off. Could I follow a 6 week dbol cycle to supplement my test e on a 14 on 7 off protocol for 6 weeks in total?

    Thoughts and advice ?


  2. #2
    I'm confused here poorly worded ...
    You want to run test and dbol for 14days than 7days off ? For 6?weeks?

    If you're taking test and dbol you need to do dbol everyday and test e once or twice a week followed by a pct test should be run 10-12 weeks for decent gains as it takes 4weeks to get into the blood

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    I'm confused here poorly worded ...
    You want to run test and dbol for 14days than 7days off ? For 6?weeks?

    If you're taking test and dbol you need to do dbol everyday and test e once or twice a week followed by a pct test should be run 10-12 weeks for decent gains as it takes 4weeks to get into the blood
    I meant that I can stay on the Test-E for 12 weeks. 500mg split over 2 shots, Monday and Thursday. Just I can only get my hands on dbol for 2 weeks at a time then cannot have it for a week.
    Is it worth taking the Dbol or just stick with Test-E only?

    Sorry for the crappy explnination..... My bad!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    So...wait...your source can only provide you two week of Dbol at a time?
    If that is the case, can you find a new source? You could wait and save up until you have enough for 4 weeks.

    Any case...I recommend you have everything on hand before you start any kind of cycle. You should not be piece-mealing your cycle as you go.
    Make sure you have a your base gear (test), supplemental orals(dbol), AI, and PCT on hand. This makes your life easier....
    Last edited by miken68; 11-26-2016 at 10:48 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by hardroad View Post
    I meant that I can stay on the Test-E for 12 weeks. 500mg split over 2 shots, Monday and Thursday. Just I can only get my hands on dbol for 2 weeks at a time then cannot have it for a week.
    Is it worth taking the Dbol or just stick with Test-E only?

    Sorry for the crappy explnination..... My bad!
    Two weeks on one week off is fine with dbol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Two weeks on one week off is fine with dbol.
    Thanks for the Info. Miken68 I realise it's not ideal but neither is me having to work 180 hours in 14 days straight. I'm trying to make best of what I can. I appreciate the advice but it's not the question I'm asking.
    Worth it or not?

    Thanks Numbere, would it be worth loading more on the weeks on or same as if I was continuous for 4 weeks.

  7. #7
    You can run it 2weeks on 1 week off yes.... you can also drive a car with flat tires..... is it optimal no... will it work yes....

    if I where you I would wait till you have enough for 4 -5 weeks and run it.... even if you are 2 weeks into your cycle of test only you can run it from week 2-6 straight

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by hardroad View Post
    Thanks for the Info. Miken68 I realise it's not ideal but neither is me having to work 180 hours in 14 days straight. I'm trying to make best of what I can. I appreciate the advice but it's not the question I'm asking.
    Worth it or not?

    Thanks Numbere, would it be worth loading more on the weeks on or same as if I was continuous for 4 weeks.
    Taking dbol for two weeks on one week off is a form of pulsing.

    This is completely fine and won't effect results.

    You can use dbol this for a whole 12 week cycle.

    Don't forget to take at least 2400mg/d of NAC when taking an oral.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Thanks for all the info. Yes I've got what I have been told is good liver support but I've just ordered NAC also, really appreciate all the feedback.
    Thanks fellas!👍

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Taking dbol for two weeks on one week off is a form of pulsing.

    This is completely fine and won't effect results.

    You can use dbol this for a whole 12 week cycle.

    Don't forget to take at least 2400mg/d of NAC when taking an oral.
    Whats NAC that a oral or injectable ? next cycle im running a oral so I need to look into NAC now

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    Whats NAC that a oral or injectable ? next cycle im running a oral so I need to look into NAC now
    I don't understand your question.

    Will you be more specific?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by hardroad View Post
    I'm a fly in fly out worker and can only really look at orals on my working days. I work 14 days on 7 off. Could I follow a 6 week dbol cycle to supplement my test e on a 14 on 7 off protocol for 6 weeks in total?

    Thoughts and advice ?

    I would say its not the best idea. I think your hormone levels will drastically drop during the 7 days off.
    Are you running anything along side the DBOL?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    I would say its not the best idea. I think your hormone levels will drastically drop during the 7 days off.
    Are you running anything along side the DBOL?
    Yes, Test E. 500mg a week. 2 X 250 mg pins.

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