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  1. #1
    Jonbana is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Priming fast question

    Figured I post here for a fast response ,

    I'm going to prime / Carb cycle for 5-6 weeks or so ive done cycling before in a deficit but never done it the way marcus on here recommends

    Im going to go

    1 Very Low (This is rest day) I work out 4 on 1 off repeat
    3 Low -40% (200-220g)
    1 high +15% (370-400g)

    Now if I just cycle carbs I remove carbs from my lunch and dinner this brings me to -40% but also drops my calories from 3100-2500..

    8am carbs
    12 none
    4pm PRE carbs
    6pm PWO Carbs
    9pm non

    so my question is on low carb days do I add more fats to bring calories to 3100 or just remove the carbs to get a calorie deficit at 2500 and the high day makes up for it

  2. #2
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dec 2014
    If I remember correctly marcus adds protein to make up for the calories he loses from the drop in carbs.

  3. #3
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    Aug 2016
    wasn't sure... how it worked guess I'll play it by ear gonna do this for 4 weeks...

    basically a mini cut after my last blast to drop a little fat before next blast hopefully this doesn't lose all my gains...

    was blasting for 20 weeks tren been off for 6weeks staying at 3000 calories now im doing this for 4-8weeks at 2500 calories before next bulk blast most people say only cut before a show but I feel a little fat from my last bulk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I used to carb cycle but I don't do it anymore. I'm a wimp and carb cycling's too hard. Now I just do a carb deficit and shift my carb intake to right before I workout. I was able to go from 14% bf to 6.5% bf for the last show. I did drop about 20lbs in the process. I was about 200lbs when I started. That means I lost about 15lbs of fat and 5lbs of muscle 3:1 ratio doesn't seem bad. I didn't feel hungry and I felt like I was eating all the time. I'll try for 5% bf next time. Stay tuned.

  5. #5
    Jonbana is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I used to carb cycle but I don't do it anymore. I'm a wimp and carb cycling's too hard. Now I just do a carb deficit and shift my carb intake to right before I workout. I was able to go from 14% bf to 6.5% bf for the last show. I did drop about 20lbs in the process. I was about 200lbs when I started. That means I lost about 15lbs of fat and 5lbs of muscle 3:1 ratio doesn't seem bad. I didn't feel hungry and I felt like I was eating all the time. I'll try for 5% bf next time. Stay tuned.

    Amazing scotch ,
    Right now for carb cycling it was kind of easy... all I did was remove carbs from my lunch and my dinner so really not much planning

    m1 carbs
    m2 none
    m3 pre carbs
    m4 pwo carbs
    m5 none

    Im temped to remove breakfast carbs all together but at the worried stage still

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