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Thread: Aromasin Questoin

  1. #1

    Aromasin Questoin

    Hey guys. I was testing my estrogen sensitivity and had some extra test to finish this cycle. I needed up being on 2.5g of test as my last pin 4 weeks ago. I have no issues with gyno 4 weeks later and guess my T levels have dropped to roughly 300mg by now. I had noticeable signs of high estrogen with water retention and small breakouts. I took 25mg or 36mg of aromasin a week ago. I feel fine with no signs of crashing E levels. I just got bloods taken and am about to blast again. I plan to control E and DHT this cycle with bloods. My question is how should I dose my aromasin heading into this blast? I think what is confusing me is the left over E from that last 2.5g pin. I plan on taking 12mg aromasin ED per 500mg test I'm on. Should I stick to that plan and get blood work in 3 weeks. Once I have a baseline of where my E is based on taking 12mg of aromsin ed per 500mg test 3 weeks into the cycle it should be easy to see the numbers on the bloods and adjust? This may sound confusing. Thanks to anyone who has some input.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I don't think you can have high e2 if your last pin was 4 weeks ago because your TT would be at basal levels.

    Aromasin eliminates a percentage of e2 and is not as effective as arimidex when taking high amounts of aromatizing compounds.

    Due to this you cannot follow the logic of taking 12mg/d per 500mg of test.

    Imo if you plan on using 2.5g of test then you should use arimidex along with blood work that contains a sensitive estradiol assay in order to control e2.

  3. #3
    Awesome, thank you. So aromasin will remove a percentage of estrogen regardless of how much is in the body? Arimidex dosing can be applied with the Xmg/d per 500mg test?

    Can I pick your brain for a second about the E and TT levels? The E will eventually lower as the T lowers? This is why you are less concerned with me having high E from my last pin? My question would be about estrogen rebound if I chose to come off. Aromasin will eliminate that issue but arimidiex would require a longer pct?

    Again, thank you much for your time and input!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Batmanreturns View Post
    Awesome, thank you. So aromasin will remove a percentage of estrogen regardless of how much is in the body? Arimidex dosing can be applied with the Xmg/d per 500mg test?

    Can I pick your brain for a second about the E and TT levels? The E will eventually lower as the T lowers? This is why you are less concerned with me having high E from my last pin? My question would be about estrogen rebound if I chose to come off. Aromasin will eliminate that issue but arimidiex would require a longer pct?

    Again, thank you much for your time and input!
    I'll answer your questions but before that I need to make a few points clear.

    When answering your questions below I'll be speaking in generality but when it comes to AAS and ancillaries everyone reacts slightly different.

    2.5g/week of test is a boatload of test.

    If you're at the point in you're development where you need 2.5g of test to grow then you should already have this information.

    Using that much test doesn't make sense because you can use less test stacked with a compound that doesn't aromatize or automatizes at a lower rate.

    When using over 750mg/week of test you quickly reach the point of diminishing gains for increased negative side effects.

    In order to keep estrogen within range while on 2.5g of test you'll likely need to use letrozole instead of dex as letro is more powerful.

    The only way to know if your AI is dosed properly is to have blood work on cycle that contains a sensitive estradiol assay.


    Aromasin (stane) inhibits a percentage of estrogen, but 50 percent of 80pg/ml is not the same as 50 percent of 120pg/ml.

    I'd say on average a 25 mg dose of stane will inhibit 40 percent of estrogen and it takes about a week to reach peak plasma concentration.

    You cant follow the logic of taking Xmg/EOD of dex per 500mg of test because the relationship is not linear.

    Estradiol is a result of converted test, this means as your test levels lower your estrogen will lower.

    There is a washout period between the time of your last pin until the time you begin PCT.

    During this washout period if you continue to take an AI you should not experience estrogen rebound.

  6. #6
    This will be my first run at 2g. My previous largest was 1.5mg. The 2.5g was purely to test estrogen sensitivity in regards to any signs of gyno on that dose of gear. I didn't utilize the 2.5g test dose for growth.

    I'm going to post my bloods as of last week. My bloods in 4 weeks on 1g. My bloods 5 weeks after that grown into 2g.

    Based on blood work would you be able to help make recommendations on dosing letro?

    I'm reading that roughly .36mg/d per 250-300mg test is a good reference point to start.

    I won't have letro on hand for 4-6 weeks. I have enough aromasin to get me through that time period with reasonably controlled E levels. The half life of aromasin is roughly a day. If I were to make the switch from aromasin to letro I would want to not take aromasin for 2 days and then begin with the rough guide of .36mg/d per 250-300mg test and then check where my levels are at through blood work?

    Again, thank you very much, I appreciate your time
    Last edited by Batmanreturns; 12-04-2016 at 10:14 AM.

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