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Thread: Ending cycle momday

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Maybe that's how your game plays out but not mine.
    Great. I bet you are a gaining fool and huuuge by now. Shit, Im thinking next cycle I am just gonna make a serm stack and run that mofo for twelve weeks. I am done now.

  2. #82
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Great. I bet you are a gaining fool and huuuge by now. Shit, Im thinking next cycle I am just gonna make a serm stack and run that mofo for twelve weeks. I am done now.
    If you don't like me or my responses then stop replying to my posts with the sole intention of inciting an argument.

    If you just responded like an adult and said something along the lines of, "Well I've gone through PCT several times and never experienced new gains. Only weight gain and loss of strength. What does your regime during PCT look like?"

    Then we could actually have a normal conversation.

    Unfortunately asking you to act like an adult is too much.
    Last edited by numbere; 01-14-2017 at 12:13 PM.
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  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    If you don't like me or my responses then stop replying to my posts with the sole intention of inciting an argument.

    If you just responded like an adult and said something along the lines of, "Well I've gone through PCT several times and never experienced new gains. Only weight gain and loss of strength. What does your regime during PCT look like?"

    Then we could actually have a normal conversation.

    Unfortunately asking you to act like an adult is too much.
    Your posts almost always contradict mine. You start the shit always I just respond. Its why you are constantly in an argument on here. Its not everyone else it is you buddy. This is not your thread. I respond to couch and when he responded to my quote you contradicted in the exact opposite way. I am very prejudiced against you at this point. Dont throw in your two cents to my posts.

  4. #84
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Your posts almost always contradict mine.
    Maybe because you consistently give horrible advice.
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  5. #85
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    How was it horrible advice to say most lose intensity after cycle? Its right. Horomone fluxuation causes all sorts of shit to go wrong? We argue because you are a dry jerk. Give me examples of my consistent bad advice? Better yet let us know how it goes. In a week lets see how you feel with flatlined estrogen levels. PCT sucks. It is the worst part of cycling, fully necessary, but it sucks. Numbre I am sure you can find a way to disagree with all of that.

  6. #86
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    Numbre..... I love you. I think about you all day. You cant keep hiding from your feelings about me. I am crying in my oatmeal. I just got this oatmeal from dollar general where the cashier said, "you must work out a lot!". I am an alright kinda guy and good at what I do. Quit trying to make me look like an ass and I will return the favor. I am ready for a kiss when you get around to it...
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  7. #87
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Numbre..... I love you. I think about you all day. You cant keep hiding from your feelings about me. I am crying in my oatmeal. I just got this oatmeal from dollar general where the cashier said, "you must work out a lot!". I am an alright kinda guy and good at what I do. Quit trying to make me look like an ass and I will return the favor. I am ready for a kiss when you get around to it...

    But Fwiw, 2nd day in pct, I have not lost a bit, I notice, less fullness to muscle, but strength is there and some.
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  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post

    But Fwiw, 2nd day in pct, I have not lost a bit, I notice, less fullness to muscle, but strength is there and some.
    Good brother I hope it stays like I said maybe it will because you are so much more advanced and in tune than I.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post

    Good brother I hope it stays like I said maybe it will because you are so much more advanced and in tune than I.
    I think its because I'm just a miserable down guy. I'm used to feeling shitty mentally, so this is par for the course, no different
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  10. #90
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    Keep going strong Couchlockd!
    Amazing what you've done, you really deserve some praise for what u have done and continue to do.
    Keep us posted, it's inspiring.
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  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I think its because I'm just a miserable down guy. I'm used to feeling shitty mentally, so this is par for the course, no different
    I wish I could say something to make that different man. You have accomplished a lot, you have a hot girl, and a pretty cool life. Hope you find inner peace, not to sound like a hippie. Its a bitch when a man loathes himself. I did for many years and I know the disgusted feeling. Fill that hollow spot with protein and pride.

  12. #92
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Hey numbre, why is it protocol to,wait time on+pct = wait time to start another cycle.

    If your HPTA is gtg after pct, couldn't you just give it's whole month after pct to start a new cycle?

    Or is it letting it get to normal, and "know normal" or to seriously stabilize and wait.

    Better put, what are the issues with running a second cycle 4 weeks AFTER PCT is complete?

  13. #93
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Hey numbre, why is it protocol to,wait time on+pct = wait time to start another cycle.

    If your HPTA is gtg after pct, couldn't you just give it's whole month after pct to start a new cycle?

    Or is it letting it get to normal, and "know normal" or to seriously stabilize and wait.

    Better put, what are the issues with running a second cycle 4 weeks AFTER PCT is complete?
    The purpose of taking a sufficient amount of time off between cycles is to let your body reach homeostasis.

    Your halting the production of several several naturally produced hormones while you're on AAS.

    Your system needs time to regain sinusoidal hormone expression.

    Plus, cycling stressful on all parts of the body.

    The body needs time to recuperate, even people who never come off will drop down to a TRT dose in an effort to take off some of the stress.

    The human body needs long periods to properly cope with hormone changes.

    You probably wouldn't run a 4 week long cycle.

    In a similar fashion you probably wouldn't want to rest your body for only 4 weeks.
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  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    The purpose of taking a sufficient amount of time off between cycles is to let your body reach homeostasis.

    Your halting the production of several several naturally produced hormones while you're on AAS.

    Your system needs time to regain sinusoidal hormone expression.

    Plus, cycling stressful on all parts of the body.

    The body needs time to recuperate, even people who never come off will drop down to a TRT dose in an effort to take off some of the stress.

    The human body needs long periods to properly cope with hormone changes.

    You probably wouldn't run a 4 week long cycle.

    In a similar fashion you probably wouldn't want to rest your body for only 4 weeks.
    Absolutely! 4 weeks is dangerous and it will doom you for early TRT. I agreed with you numbre!!!

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post

    Absolutely! 4 weeks is dangerous and it will doom you for early TRT. I agreed with you numbre!!!
    So I'm assuming we really totally throw off a ton of shit when cycling.

    I don't think,i like that. I think I'm reselling my next cycle except for the Clen .

    Too much insanity, this hormone that hormone. Cortisol, estrogen, prolactin, rbc, hct, hdl, lol,for what, ? 10lbs of temporary gains that will fade till you cycle again? Wtf did I do.

    I'm not too,proud to admit when I am in the wrong, only a dumbass knows their wrong and out of pride continues to not learn/listen.

    I thank Christ I've made it through one 17 week long cycle with out tits, heart attack or stroke. I did too much for my health over the last 5 years to improve it, I'm not going to play roulette with my health. I dunno,maybe its the 3rd day of pct talking, but I'm trying to understand the absolute reason for non money makers to short change their lives for temporary results
    Last edited by Couchlock; 01-15-2017 at 03:46 PM.
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  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    So I'm assuming we really totally throw off a ton of shit when cycling.

    I don't think,i like that. I think I'm reselling my next cycle except for the Clen .

    Too much insanity, this hormone that hormone. Cortisol, estrogen, prolactin, rbc, hct, hdl, lol,for what, ? 10lbs of temporary gains that will fade till you cycle again? Wtf did I do.
    Man anything I can tell you will get my ass ate. Its all about your goals. Aas will never be totally safe when cycled heavy at all. Its not for everyone and It has sides. Hell, I have my questions about clen and the the effects ot can have. I have sold myself to this. I will be on trt soon. If you can live without it you should. If you cycle and go back natty eventually you will lose enough gains that you could have gotten to where you are naturally. Bb's take aas with this in mind bit many feel the benefits outweigh any risks because that is their mind set. I am getting bigger at a cost. I will cycle 2-4 months after this cycle and I will feel like shit for a while and bounce back. The deca I take keeps my joints mobile and that give me another pro on the pro con list. Its all just what you want. I am no longer allowed to mention his name but there is a lot of guys that do it safer than me overall. I am not in this for safety. I hope I dont get ripped for this but when I am dead of a heart attack or stroke at 60 it will be my doing.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post

    Man anything I can tell you will get my ass ate. Its all about your goals. Aas will never be totally safe when cycled heavy at all. Its not for everyone and It has sides. Hell, I have my questions about clen and the the effects ot can have. I have sold myself to this. I will be on trt soon. If you can live without it you should. If you cycle and go back natty eventually you will lose enough gains that you could have gotten to where you are naturally. Bb's take aas with this in mind bit many feel the benefits outweigh any risks because that is their mind set. I am getting bigger at a cost. I will cycle 2-4 months after this cycle and I will feel like shit for a while and bounce back. The deca I take keeps my joints mobile and that give me another pro on the pro con list. Its all just what you want. I am no longer allowed to mention his name but there is a lot of guys that do it safer than me overall. I am not in this for safety. I hope I dont get ripped for this but when I am dead of a heart attack or stroke at 60 it will be my doing.
    You can tell me secrets in pm's.

    I know the name, I've read the serms thread. Lol.

    It got heavy in there

  18. #98
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  19. #99
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I told you earlier today how to spell my username and that I want nothing to do with you from here on out.

    Don't push.

  20. #100
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    That's a very valid reason not to mess with AAS Couchlockd.

    If you do choose to cycle, and do that again and again,
    chances you'll eventually need TRT gets higher and higher.
    I've seen some studies on this, and while difficult to determine,
    because it will vary with how careful people are, there seems to me that those who really like their AAS, quite often will end up (eventually) on TRT.

    How high the risk really is isn't easy to calculate,
    as I believe an ex steroid user will seek TRT treatment earlier and more often than a non user, even with the same natty T levels.
    So there's a lot of confounding variables.

    Still, my view is that after several cycles TRT is a big risk.

    For me, I love AAS enough to use them even if it were guaranteed I would need TRT afterwards. Which it pretty much is now.
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  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    That's a very valid reason not to mess with AAS Couchlockd.

    If you do choose to cycle, and do that again and again,
    chances you'll eventually need TRT gets higher and higher.
    I've seen some studies on this, and while difficult to determine,
    because it will vary with how careful people are, there seems to me that those who really like their AAS, quite often will end up (eventually) on TRT.

    How high the risk really is isn't easy to calculate,
    as I believe an ex steroid user will seek TRT treatment earlier and more often than a non user, even with the same natty T levels.
    So there's a lot of confounding variables.

    Still, my view is that after several cycles TRT is a big risk.

    For me, I love AAS enough to use them even if it were guaranteed I would need TRT afterwards. Which it pretty much is now.
    Its not necessarily trt I'm concerned about,its what else is the chain reaction doing to my organs?

    I mean hell, I was an unhealthy, drug abusing, alcohol tolerant mess from age 16 to 26, now at around 27 or so, got clean, at 29 lost weight got real dedicated.

    But I can't help but to think the years of obesity,drugs (real drugs, coke, crack, H, benzos, etc), liquor have lying in secret waiting to come get me. It seems steroids amplify any underlying health concerns or issues like fertilizer to plants.

    It just worries me, that's all. Hindsight is 20/20 they say.

  22. #102
    kirkjamest is offline Junior Member
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    Couchlockd, do you regret this decision?

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirkjamest View Post
    Couchlockd, do you regret this decision?
    Yes and no.

    Yes, because I really don't think 10lbs of muscle Is worth it. Plus after cycle (5 days into pct, 23 days after last shot) I got a nice bit of acne, nothing constant face washing and clearasil can't fix, but never had it in my life, even as a teen.

    No, because it was a low dose cycle, and I did all the golden rule protocols, HCG 250x2 week. Arimidex , good diet (I could have eased up on carbs, but, hey)

    I did get almost 60% stronger on bench press and chest and back.

    I know what I would do differently if i do decide to do another cycle (I say no now, but you know how that goes, already have second cycle in my possession, if I haven't bought it already, is not do it again 100%) but since its here , I'm like 25/75 towards not doing it.

    So in closing

    I regret it only because its scary to think about damage internally, dying sucks, even if its at 65 instead of 80, it still sucks.

    I enjoyed it, well, because, I got bigger qwik, got strong qwik, and I have broadened my horizons and knowledge base on a particular field of interest.

    More pros than cons, but the one con, its a doozey

  24. #104
    kirkjamest is offline Junior Member
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    Well I'm two weeks away from ending my cycle and have followed your thread since you started. I'm older than you (49). I asked that question because this cycle has worn me out man. I almost did the same as you. I did 300mg/week. The results have been phenomenal especially since I hired a nutritionist to do all my macros,micros,shopping, cooking and prepping. All I have to do is grab my days food and leave the house so I'm kind of spoiled in that regard.

    The gym has been fun, the results have been fun. I'm not looking forward to PCT that's for sure so I will continue to follow you as I'm sort of right behind you.

    Honestly though, I think your concerns about having done any long term damage may be a bit premature. Although this stuff is hard an the system it is relatively safe if not abused and you didn't abuse them. So 10 pounds of lean body mass, looking the way you do I'd say you've done a great job thus far and it appears you've been as safe as possible.

    I did read in your thread and remember you mentioned not waiting very long before you start your second cycle and all the responses thereafter. From an objective standpoint, given the fact that you already have the stuff in hand, it appears you are at least susceptible to falling down that rabbit hole. I only say that based on the thread, I don't know you but just wanted you to hear an objective observation (as opposed to opinion).

    In short, you're not abusing them, you're young and you did well. I have friends who started using ASS when they were 19 and they used them until they were in their late 30's. I'm talking a lot of men (male stripper dudes) and out of all of them, (hundreds) only one suffered and he abused the heck out of AAS into his mid forties.

    Although I don't really know a damn thing about this stuff, my age gives me some experience through vicarious living and you don't sound like one of those people who make me think "hmmmmn". Don't sweat it man, just follow the advice these guys have, it appears to me they are all pretty bright and I doubt they are spending so much time helping people because they don't care, indeed quite the opposite.

    Anyway just my two cents bro, I say good job and congrats on taking the plunge and getting what I think are great results over four months.
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  25. #105
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    And by the way, I too was a drug abusing alcoholic to the bone. Been off everything for 16 years now. The only thing that has freaked me out thus far is the liver values which aren't bad. I have a heart murmur due to calcification but no enlargement. My lipids were bad when I started and so was my BP.

    I give you this information because it may help you understand you're not alone in these feelings. I'm sure there are plenty of others out there too just not chiming in. Keep on trucking dude, you have a fan in me.

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirkjamest View Post
    And by the way, I too was a drug abusing alcoholic to the bone. Been off everything for 16 years now. The only thing that has freaked me out thus far is the liver values which aren't bad. I have a heart murmur due to calcification but no enlargement. My lipids were bad when I started and so was my BP.

    I give you this information because it may help you understand you're not alone in these feelings. I'm sure there are plenty of others out there too just not chiming in. Keep on trucking dude, you have a fan in me.
    Well thanks man, nice to have a friend in similar circumstances.

    Ill send a friend request when I go to desktop site

  27. #107
    kirkjamest is offline Junior Member
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    Cool, I'm not sure if I can receive friend requests because I haven't posted 50 posts yet. But I will keep an eye out. How's the PCT coming?

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirkjamest View Post
    Cool, I'm not sure if I can receive friend requests because I haven't posted 50 posts yet. But I will keep an eye out. How's the PCT coming?
    I'm on my 6th day of 75 clomid, 40 Nolva.

    I lost some fat, strength and muscle same (strength actually a bit more)

    I think its like numbere said, its all in your head regarding intensity and mood.

    I continue to eat great, lift quickly (45 min) and 2 won in cardio sessions a day

  29. #109
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    Not that i wanna talk u into doing more cycles,
    but rather ease you're fear about damage by past drug use.
    Some damage of past drug use is semi permanent (or take a very long time to heal), and that's mainly the damage done to the lungs by smoking, or the damage done to the heart valves by injecting heroin f.ex.
    Luckily the damage done to heart valves are usually very minor, and only happens in drug user who inject drugs. It's due to an inflammation of the heart valves due to impurities. This is something to look out for when you get 65, and might never be a problem either.

    Lung damage from smoking (or injecting talc, povidone, and other adulterats) may never really heal, but on the plus side, may never worsen once this behavior is stopped either.
    Smoking cannabis doesn't seem to be linked to either lung cancer or lung damage though, which is strange, but one answer is because of properties in THC and CBD which seem to prevent cells from becoming cancerous.
    While some studies also point to reduced lung damage (like COPD) I wouldn't bet on that, but still the same applies that if the behavior is stopped, damage doesn't seem to worsen over time. Rather the opposite.

    When it comes to AAS, yes damage in the form of enlarged heart or atherosclerosis is a concern, but doesn't seem to be inevitable outcomes.

    So my main point is this; when the destructive behavior is stopped, the body will usually heal or at the very least don't get worse.

    Of course, use a high dose AAS, get high BP and be reckless and blow and artery in your heart, it doesn't really matter that it doesn't get worse.
    If you live life will suck ass.
    (I know one this happened to during cycle when 25-27 years old)
    He was unlucky, it might have happened anyway, who knows?
    But it sure sucks.

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Not that i wanna talk u into doing more cycles,
    but rather ease you're fear about damage by past drug use.
    Some damage of past drug use is semi permanent (or take a very long time to heal), and that's mainly the damage done to the lungs by smoking, or the damage done to the heart valves by injecting heroin f.ex.
    Luckily the damage done to heart valves are usually very minor, and only happens in drug user who inject drugs. It's due to an inflammation of the heart valves due to impurities. This is something to look out for when you get 65, and might never be a problem either.

    Lung damage from smoking (or injecting talc, povidone, and other adulterats) may never really heal, but on the plus side, may never worsen once this behavior is stopped either.
    Smoking cannabis doesn't seem to be linked to either lung cancer or lung damage though, which is strange, but one answer is because of properties in THC and CBD which seem to prevent cells from becoming cancerous.
    While some studies also point to reduced lung damage (like COPD) I wouldn't bet on that, but still the same applies that if the behavior is stopped, damage doesn't seem to worsen over time. Rather the opposite.

    When it comes to AAS, yes damage in the form of enlarged heart or atherosclerosis is a concern, but doesn't seem to be inevitable outcomes.

    So my main point is this; when the destructive behavior is stopped, the body will usually heal or at the very least don't get worse.

    Of course, use a high dose AAS, get high BP and be reckless and blow and artery in your heart, it doesn't really matter that it doesn't get worse.
    If you live life will suck ass.
    (I know one this happened to during cycle when 25-27 years old)
    He was unlucky, it might have happened anyway, who knows?
    But it sure sucks.
    Thanks, its good to hear.

    Appreciate it

  31. #111
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    I'm going to have to have my wisdom tooth removed it's rotten an abscessed and it's driving me crazy

    Do I have to worry about possible interactions with novocaine and or medicine used to put me under while on Clomid and nolva?

  32. #112
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    On another note, anyone ever see these brands of nolva and Clomid

    Clomiphene 50mg
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20170119_221238.jpg 
Views:	100 
Size:	25.2 KB 
ID:	167096

    Tamoxifen 20mg
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20170119_221247.jpg 
Views:	83 
Size:	28.8 KB 
ID:	167097

  33. #113
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    No to the question about wisdom teeth. Completely different method of action. ...Unless you are worried about the quality of your nolva and clomid and worry that they are not working...causing our doctor to molest you while you are under!
    BTW, this thread has been running well past momday.

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    No to the question about wisdom teeth. Completely different method of action. ...Unless you are worried about the quality of your nolva and clomid and worry that they are not working...causing our doctor to molest you while you are under!
    BTW, this thread has been running well past momday.
    Yes I know its well past Monday, its were in posting my questions so I don't hijack other threads

  35. #115
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    I'm not trying to blow up your head but you definitely deserve the credit.
    This thread, containing your experience-w/ pics and all, is good for others to see that it takes hard work and dedication. And, hard work and dedication is worth the effort.
    If the thread goes past mother's day...

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    I'm not trying to blow up your head but you definitely deserve the credit.
    This thread, containing your experience-w/ pics and all, is good for others to see that it takes hard work and dedication. And, hard work and dedication is worth the effort.
    If the thread goes past mother's day...
    Van I change the name of thread?

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Van I change the name of thread?
    Pm the admin and tell him about "COUCHLOCKD'S HOUSE OF PAIN"... BOO YAH!
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  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post

    Pm the admin and tell him about "COUCHLOCKD'S HOUSE OF PAIN"... BOO YAH!
    Well I am using app so I can't email or message

    But if admin sees this , the change to "couchlockd's house of pain 2016/2017" works as title, feel free to change it.

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  39. #119
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    in into my 9th day today, started 50mg clomid, 20mg nolva yesterday. Today is my second day into reduced doses.

    Feeling a little more tired, not to bad. Not sure if its just this god damn wisdom tooth exposed nerve, or lack of test.

    I work as a head cook, I still get my 600 pushups in during shift.

    My body wants to, but my mind seems to be trying to talk me into being lazy. I won't let it win, I will win.

    I started getting acne really bad after my last shot of test 28 days ago (within 10 days of it) and its continuing into pct. Painfull acne.

  40. #120
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    12th day
    Nolva 20
    Clomid 50

    I feel not as tired yesterday and today. I felt pretty rundown a few days ago but since yesterday I began feeling pretty good.

    This FUCKING ACNE though..... It is definitely moderate coverage on my cheeks, and hurts like pretty bad.

    I never had pimples (one or two random ones here or there) but never ACNE, so this is new to me. Started using clearasil pads 3x a day it seems to be drying out.

    I stopped getting erections from just hugging my girl ( on cycle I just touch her, I was pitching tents) I still have had morning wood every day so far. And still have a good sex drive. Able to get erect, solid, and maintain. Sex is still enjoyable

    Sorry bout the wiener talk,but I thoughts a concern for guys on pct, so I shared.

    Other than feeling my estrogen seems crashed or at least being very low. I have lost a good bit of water and about 5 lbs fat. Strength is still were its been at the end of cycle (seems like I'm getting stronger even) lifts have not got harder in fact a little easier

    I don't know if I should run the nolva for week 5 and 6 at 10 mg per day or just stop when I do Clomid


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