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Thread: Need you help to solve adrogenic overdosing debate

  1. #1

    Exclamation Need you help to solve adrogenic overdosing debate

    Due to my credibility being questioned among a circle of the lifting community in my city, I am forced to get reinforcement from members of AR. Here is the question or situation at hand.

    Upon giving simple juice advice which was administering 500mg/week of Test Enth and 80/mg ed of Fina, i was accused of overdosing because both were androgenic.

    Essentially the guy accusing me of overdosing people, is saying that a person should not have over 750mg/week of adrogenic compounds in their body. Anything over this, is overdosing in his opinion. I know this is wrong, but I need your help in explaining why.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I'm not sure what you mean by overdosing.

  3. #3
    I don't know what he means by overdosing either. It sounded a bit dramatic to me too. Basically, too much androgens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    wouldn't the whole concept behind steroids be overdosing?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I think this goes on a person to person basis. One person might be able to run upwards to 1gm a week and not have any problems and someone else will. I think you have to find out what works for you. Some people find that off low dosage cycles they still grow in the same amount as if they ran high dosage cycles.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tren isn't metabolized by either 5-alpha reductase, or aromatase enzymes, it has a short half-life, and has very high affinity for the AR. With test, you get both AR and non AR mediated effects, it is an excellent if not the primary base substance in any cycle, keeps libido going, it is the bodies natural substrate, etc.....appearantly this guy hasn't ever ran tren+test. Both compounds differ in androgenic:anabolic ratio, and also differ in binding affinities to the AR, and differ in AR mediated vs. non mediated AR effects, and differ in chemical composition subsequently affecting their metabolism and active metabolites. It is an excellent stack, IMO. Why is everyone so caught up on numbers. It is not like everyone needs only a certain dose, and can't surpass this. Everyone is different, and will respond accordingly. D-bol is an excellent androgen, and it is stacked with test all the time. You use different substances to catch up where one may be lagging. I would like to hear your pal's "defenition" of overdosing. I think he is just trying to be a know it all, and can't stand anyone to step on his ego. I think you will find many people on here who will attest to test+tren, and that it is an excellent combo. Since tren acetate has a short half-life, you can use it to get almost immediate effects, while waiting for a longer test ester to kick in. You can use it to end a cycle (although since it has high affinity for the AR, it may not be the best substance to use, but still can be used) because it clears the body quickly. And I am sure all the other bros on here will chime in and give other valid reasons as well.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You can’t really overdose... The minuet you inject androgens into your body you send a hormonal message that will manipulate other glands and organs. The body’s action to keep homeostasis will remove as much of the excess androgen as possible, this is why most androgens are in esters, to keep the androgen in the body as long as possible per androgen type. A normal healthy male make be around 750 ng/dl of test but the body has an amazing ability to adapt and accommodate the androgens supplied through an increase of target cell per androgen type (or up regulation) so overdosing may be the wrong terminology.
    There is no data as to what is too high a dose. Per individual many may have a different affinity to particular androgens than others and in order to see up regulation of a particular type, may need a higher dose.
    There is also question to larger massed individuals. Dose a 300lb male compared to a 150lb male have a higher amount of target cells due to genetics?
    Does the occurrence of up regulation create a higher amount of target cells that function during higher periods of androgen use but lay dormant during low dose periods?

    Your friend may want to concern him self as an individual as you should look at dosage per individual and not an across the board dosage.

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