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Thread: Help with ED

  1. #1

    Help with ED

    Short Version:
    Did a steroid cycle consisting of Test, Tren, and T3. Issues maintaining erections began during the cycle. I tried controlling prolaction and estrogren to no avail. Cialis and Viagra worked for erection quality and frequency, but not for erection maintenance. I ran post cycle therapy and the issues persisted. Two months after post cycle therapy, the issues persist. Blood work at the bottom.

    Long Version:
    My problems started about six months ago with the beginning of a anabolic steroid cycle consisting of testosterone (250mg/wk), T3(~100mcg/day), and trenbolone (400mg/wk). The main issue, that still persists, is mostly maintaining erections during penetration. The quality has become inconsistent but, more importantly, my erection will begin to go down after just a few minutes of sexual intercourse. I didn't have any of these issues pre-cycle. The issues began almost immediately after starting the cycle. About two weeks into the cycle is when I first noticed because that is when I got together with my current girlfriend. It may be of note that we had had sex before the cycle with no issues whatsoever.

    At first, I assumed the ED was some sort of side effect from elevated estrogen or prolactin (from the testosterone or trenbolone, respectively). After getting E2 in range using Arimidex and taking prolactin to undetectable levels with Cabergoline, the problems persisted. I began taking Cialis, but beyond improving erection quality, the issue with maintaining erections still persisted. To be clear, I was almost always able to achieve an erection but it would go down immediately or very soon after penetration. At this point, I decided it would be best to abort the cycle and begin post cycle therapy.

    I stopped taking T3 and Trenbolone for about three weeks before I stopped taking Testosterone (which I lowered to 125mg/wk) in order to avoid having multiple systems recovering at the same time. In the first few days after I had stopped taking T3, my symptoms subsided. That is, I was able to have a normal erection with no issues whatsoever. However, the symptoms soon returned after those ~2-3 days.

    In any case, I waited for about a week and began post cycle therapy. The protocol was 2000iu of HCG every other day for 20 days, 30 days of Clomid at 70mg/day, and 45 days of Nolvadex at 40mg/day. The issues intensified during PCT and, at times, I was no longer even able to achieve an erection. Erection quality was massively decreased as well. Cialis and Viagra did not help much at all during this period.

    Fast forward to about after I completed PCT, I was now able to achieve erections with some difficulty, but the problem with maintenance persisted. Additionally, the quality was far lower than when on cycle or before I started the cycle. Fast forward another four weeks after PCT and I have an easier time achieving erections, but sex drive is still almost non-existent compared to what it was and I still cannot maintain an erection for longer than a few minutes during intercourse. Additionally, Cialis and/or Viagra now certainly help with erection quality, but they now tend to cause premature ejaculation (an issue I've never ever had in the past).

    So, as you can tell, things are a mess and I'm really a loss here. Any ideas what may be wrong from the blood work?
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Dont know how much time after PCT you took the bloodwork, you should have waited 8 weeks.

    Also you should add free testosterone and DHT in your bloodwork.

    Having said that, and although it is not easy to hear, most ED problems comes from the brain. Our brain is the biggest sex organ and its very complicated to understand all its mechanisms. Believe me, I'm talking from experience, I already had your experience and a few days later with different girl (and circumstances) had no performance issues. Even during cycle, with a through the roof libido, my brain has influenced my performance "rigidity wise".

    So, do make sure your hormones are in good shape, do take care of taking 10000ui of good pharma vit D daily, as it can influence your testosterone levels. But bare in mind it can be something else which it is hard for us to evaluate and advice here.

    Keep an open mind about it, but dont stress over it as it happens to all men every now and then. Usually it has a way of happening when we most don't want it too happen eheheh

  3. #3
    Hey, thanks for the reply.

    Bloods were taken about 7 weeks after PCT.

    The issues with rigidity also happen during masturbation. While I'm not going to rule out psychosomatic causes for all the reasons you listed, this leads me to believe the issue is somehow physical. Additionally, this isn't a "sometimes" thing. This happens literally every single time I have sex with my girlfriend. It didn't happen at all pre-cycle and now it happens every single time. Again, I'm not ruling out something psychological, as I've actually experienced that before myself, but this isn't the same, I don't think.

    Free T is in the blood work:
    Free Testosterone, 13.7 pg/ml [9.3 - 26.5]

    Didn't get DHT done this time, unfortunately.

    I've started a regimen of 10,000iu Vit D3 as of today. I'm planning to stay on that for 8 weeks, get re-tested, and then reassess.

    Thanks for the help!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Rippletoad View Post
    Hey, thanks for the reply.

    Bloods were taken about 7 weeks after PCT.

    The issues with rigidity also happen during masturbation. While I'm not going to rule out psychosomatic causes for all the reasons you listed, this leads me to believe the issue is somehow physical. Additionally, this isn't a "sometimes" thing. This happens literally every single time I have sex with my girlfriend. It didn't happen at all pre-cycle and now it happens every single time. Again, I'm not ruling out something psychological, as I've actually experienced that before myself, but this isn't the same, I don't think.

    Free T is in the blood work:
    Free Testosterone, 13.7 pg/ml [9.3 - 26.5]

    Didn't get DHT done this time, unfortunately.

    I've started a regimen of 10,000iu Vit D3 as of today. I'm planning to stay on that for 8 weeks, get re-tested, and then reassess.

    Thanks for the help!
    Sounds like a plan.

    Get on some zinc as well.

    There's usually 3 main reasons for ED: vascular or circulatory causes (atherosclerosis and/or cardiac insufficiency) which doesnt apply to you as a healthy 25 years old; hormonal, which cycling at young age can trigger it, this can apply to you; and psychological (the most common kind). So its not something physical, it is probably hormonal and/or psy.

    I don't know your cycle history, but we have seen it happen many with guys cycling at young age (<25), but try not to stress too much about it as it will only make things worse. Meanwhile get on some cialis, and try to live as healthy as you can, regular cardio, low saturated fat intake, enough protein and carbs, good night sleep and no rec drugs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    Have you tried cabergoline again after ending the cycle?

    It is very curious you experienced improved ED when dropping off T3 - ie. when you put your body (and brain) in a hypothyroid state, until you started recovering soon later.

    Some ppl w/hyperthyroidism will develop ED, lasting even years after treatment. In some instances, dopamine agonists have proven helpful, perhaps the caber was just not enough to counteract the problem while on.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    Have you tried cabergoline again after ending the cycle?

    It is very curious you experienced improved ED when dropping off T3 - ie. when you put your body (and brain) in a hypothyroid state, until you started recovering soon later.

    Some ppl w/hyperthyroidism will develop ED, lasting even years after treatment. In some instances, dopamine agonists have proven helpful, perhaps the caber was just not enough to counteract the problem while on.
    Yikes, don't like the sound of that. It is worth noting that my TSH was as high as 5.6 when I first started PCT. I was still having issues at that point. I figure my T3 levels were probably still somewhat elevated when I first dropped T3 and that, during those first few days, I passed through some day type of sweet spot on the way from hyper to hypo. I have no idea, though.

    At this point, things just really suck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Hmm, this is a difficult one.
    As BB pointed out, there's three reasons for ED, and it's not vascular here. Physical. (Or that would really surprise me, but a doctor might be prudent if it continues nonetheless.)

    But as far as the brain;
    Lately I've been having trouble with keeping an erection if masturbating, but not when having sex. I've actually almost quit masturbating at all.
    This is clearly psychological, even if one would think watching some porn alone would be the easiest, I just don't have the desire/calm/whatever to do it.

    Other drugs like sleep aids and tranquilizers can affect this in a very subtle way;
    You might think you're horny, but it might also blunt emotions to the point you're so numbed sex isn't arousing.
    Which again, is psychogical.
    So yeah,no rec drugs.

    That said, if you are in a depressed state, some drugs could help u out of that, but mind they're only a crutch to do so.

    Since you've fucked about with your hormones it might just require some time.
    Cialis (though it only helps somewhat now) can be continued so you at least have something to help.

    Good luck, it will resolve itself eventually.
    Last edited by DocToxin8; 12-23-2016 at 02:36 PM.

  8. #8
    I definitely don't feel depressed. I mean, the dick issues suck but I'm not hating life or anything. I don't take any prescription drugs for BP, anti-depressants, etc. I don't take any prescription drugs whatsoever.

    I'm sure "just wait more" is the right answer here it just sucks to do that when I've basically been trying to figure this out for nearly half a year now. I suppose I need to get the D3 issue resolved and give it another few months post-PCT to see if things stabilize correctly.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    Quote Originally Posted by Rippletoad View Post
    I definitely don't feel depressed. I mean, the dick issues suck but I'm not hating life or anything. I don't take any prescription drugs for BP, anti-depressants, etc. I don't take any prescription drugs whatsoever.

    I'm sure "just wait more" is the right answer here it just sucks to do that when I've basically been trying to figure this out for nearly half a year now. I suppose I need to get the D3 issue resolved and give it another few months post-PCT to see if things stabilize correctly.
    Trust me were you to be depressed you won't even bother about ED.

    Good luck with everything.

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