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Thread: Newbie seeking confirmation on advise - both PCT and 'Pro-Cyp' cycle?

  1. #1

    Newbie seeking confirmation on advise - both PCT and 'Pro-Cyp' cycle?

    Hi all,

    OK newbie, be gentle.

    38yrs old, Australia, 185cm, 14% BF, 93kgs. Had a history of weight problems since my teens on and off but been a healthy weight for 4 years. Training about 18months (though many times on and off in the past). Weight training 4-5 times a week, conventional type training 45min-1hr sessions (1-2 muscle groups per day via a PT - change programs monthly). 1-2 cardio sessions. Cals around 2400, high protein low carb. Decided I wanted more. Primary goals are to cut up and gain a little size (less fussed on size - priority is fat loss).
    - Saw a 'Dr' for advice who is supposedly experienced in this field.
    - After trying Hexarelin 0.25/day and SARM S22 0.25 post session only. Didnt think much of them. Did notice anything. Costly, decided to try some Test.
    - Was initially given Sustanon 250, 250mg per week for 10 weeks (very low dose I know - i am the cautious type). Based on my research this seemed reasonable for a newbie.
    - I was told to continue using Hex 0.25 every day and SARM S22 0.25 after training for the duration as this would help with the estrogen levels and coming off. (?)
    - Asked about AI and PCT during/after this cycle, answer was stuff like Novolodex and Clomid etc is old news 1950's, hex and Sarms are the go for 40 days. Unless issues are noticed then maybe used this staff last resort.
    - The first 2 injections of the test were ridiculous, I could barely walk let alone train (tried quad and then glute - both really bad and hard lump in the butt for over a week etc).
    - He changed me to test enanthate 250mg 1 per week (basically the same) said it would be better for pain as maybe my body doesnt like the sustanon
    - First injections of this were a little better, but progressively got better, barely notice it now (9 weeks in) so I suspect my body is used to it..?
    - I ran out of the peptides after the first 4 weeks decided not to continue with those due to cost constraints
    - I am 9 weeks in, have definitely gained some size and strength, not huge but I suspect relative to dose. I've noticed no side effects (yet)
    - Had another consult. If I didnt want to continue test I should do Hex/SARMS for 40 days to bring natural test back. No need for the other stuff. If I want to continue test/hex/sarms I asked for alternative test option to help my goals of cutting up more, I suggested going back to sustanon 250 but he said he thinks I am allergic and to not do it. Suggest this 'Pro-Cyp 350mg/1L. Twice a week 350mg each time (Mon/Fri). Its basically a blend of Proponiate and cypionate (not sure of the ratio, I'll ask).
    - I can't find much info about 'pro-cyp' or blends like this, the amount seems high, concerned about the PCT advice so am not keen on continuing until I get some alternative advice which led me here.

    1) Are Hex and SARM really a PCT option?
    2) What is 'Pro-Cyp', or blends of these 2 types of test. Any thoughts/info on this?
    3) Recommendations on next steps for me. I am ok to continue with low dose test but am concerned about the product and PCT advise. I am have a biggish chest relatively to my body size so the thought of Gyno freaks me out.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    1. Hexarelin is a GHRP, it's used to give a boost on growth hormone production, it should be used with a GHRH for better response, but still very "mild" as it is boosting your own pituitary gland and it can only produce so much. Not comparable to exogenous pharmaceutical HGH. Hexarelin does absolutely nothing in restarting your HPTA after shutdown from the testosterone.
    S22, also known as ostarine is a useless SARM, that shuts you down and adds little in muscle. Read here a review by one of our members:
    I would laugh my head off if someone told me he was taking that for PCT. You should give a good kick in the nuts to whoever told you to use that for PCT.

    2 and 3. Before doing anything you need to recover from that cycle you are on. Do some bloodwork to make sure you recover, otherwise you will end in TRT in no time. You also need to educate yourself on the subject before taking anything else, read this:

  3. #3
    This is great thanks for the reply. Couple of things.
    - What do you mean by "otherwise you will end in TRT in no time."
    - Looking at the beginner cycle info in the thread you provided, it said 500mg twice a week, I am taking half that amount (250mg) one per week and not taking HCG or Armidex. As I understand the HCG and Armidex are for estrogen levels, I havent been bloated or noticed gyno or anything of that nature. Other there any other issues associated with me not taking these symptoms mentioned?
    - Also, re: the PCT, I have 3 weeks left on the test-e. Is this still required given the low dose? If I can get the PCT products I will, but concerned I wont be able to. What are the risks associated with not doing this at the 250mg dosage I have taken for the 12 weeks?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    HCG at low dosage is there maintain a minimum of testicular activity, as yours are shut down from taking exogenous testosterone (no matter what dosage).

    An Aromataze Inhibitor (AI) like arimidex will lower estrogen, not everyone will have symptoms from elevated estrogen (estradiol e2), but its still quite bad for your health, specially being a male lol.

    Yes, you need a PCT to help your HPTA to restart testosterone production. Clomid plus nolva its the best combo.

    Follow austenite links and read, you will learn a lot.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    HCG at low dosage is there maintain a minimum of testicular activity, as yours are shut down from taking exogenous testosterone (no matter what dosage).

    An Aromataze Inhibitor (AI) like arimidex will lower estrogen, not everyone will have symptoms from elevated estrogen (estradiol e2), but its still quite bad for your health, specially being a male lol.

    Yes, you need a PCT to help your HPTA to restart testosterone production. Clomid plus nolva its the best combo.

    Follow austenite links and read, you will learn a lot.
    Back again. Since my last post have read through the thread (awesome btw) and sourced HCG, Clomid and Nolva. I wasnt able to get the Armidex :-( (yet, missed the boat here). In the last 2 weeks of the cycle I started the HCG and will continue, tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my last test e injection so will start the Clomid and Nolva as instructed.

    Just looking for some advice on this 'Pro-Cyp 350mg/1L. Twice a week 350mg each time (Mon/Fri)' advice i've been given. Anyone had any experience with this blend? (I'll confirm the ratios)
    Any other recommendations for a second cycle? Goals are to maintain and increase a little size but primary goal to reduce body fat

  6. #6
    Any feedback peoples?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Why? don't you believe him? LOL

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Why? don't you believe him? LOL
    huh? I've acted on all the advice given. Was now seeking some additional feedback on next steps as per above.

    "Just looking for some advice on this 'Pro-Cyp 350mg/1L. Twice a week 350mg each time (Mon/Fri)' advice i've been given. Anyone had any experience with this blend? (I'll confirm the ratios)
    Any other recommendations for a second cycle? Goals are to maintain and increase a little size but primary goal to reduce body fat"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by chronik View Post
    huh? I've acted on all the advice given. Was now seeking some additional feedback on next steps as per above.

    "Just looking for some advice on this 'Pro-Cyp 350mg/1L. Twice a week 350mg each time (Mon/Fri)' advice i've been given. Anyone had any experience with this blend? (I'll confirm the ratios)
    Any other recommendations for a second cycle? Goals are to maintain and increase a little size but primary goal to reduce body fat"

    Just busting on you bro

  10. #10
    Finally got some info. The ProCyp blend is 350mg/ML. 250 Cypionate and 100 Propionate. He has recommended 1ML twice a week (Mon/Thurs), therefore 500mg cypionate and 200mg Propionate for the week for 10 weeks (looks like I'll need another bottle). Dose feels a little high to me given my first cycle was 250mg per week test E.

    Any thoughts on this for a second cycle?

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