Ok everyone the New year is here wats are your goals for this up coming year? I know myself I really need to hit the weights harder and get my diet in check.And harass Nach more often.
Ok everyone the New year is here wats are your goals for this up coming year? I know myself I really need to hit the weights harder and get my diet in check.And harass Nach more often.
Diet diet diet diet!
#1 I would say getting my tree service farther along.
#2 Learn to stay calm more often and not stress.
#3 Travel some with the gf.
#4Be 235lb 8% by jan 1 2018
Get myself in good enough shape to start my first cycle in 2018.
I would like to help my fellow mankind by donating time and money to certain causes that I think need some attention.
I will probably volunteer at some colleges to help them deal with Hillary loosing the election.
I will also probably look more serious into switching all of my training to crossfitt.
I will quit running gear and become all natural again because I feel like using steroids is cheating.
I will shave my beard and probably look into tattoo removal.
I will quit being so sarcastic to everyone I know and all of the new people I meet.
F#CK THAT SH!T JUST KIDDING!!! I plan on becoming larger,leaner,longer bearded,more tattooed, and probably more sarcastic that I am now.
Working sets 2 plate minimum on Bench (225)
Working sets 3 plate minimum on Squats (315)
Working sets 3 plate minimum on Dead lift (315)
by end of February
Than I am going to cut body fat (22%) to (12%) by end of June, by decreasing calories from 3000 to 2200.
Thats a good start lets keep this going!
Started this cycle deadlifting 210kg for 4 reps, did 230kg for 4 reps last week. I think I can do 250kg now and that was my first goal for 2017 actually. So I am confounded. 260kg for 4 reps or 280 for 1 is my goal now. Then 300 in 2018.
- I need to build a strong personal training client base
- Continue using AAS to turn myself into a machine (and thus gaining more clients)
- Keep my hair
- Get a grip on reality
- Learn a little polish to speak to some of the guys at the gym
- Train forever
- Be happy
Get my weight to 170 staying at 10 bf
Add 13-15 pounds of mass
Reduce by 2-3% the bodyfat
Get back to where I was. And a little bit better.
Grow, make improvements to the lower half, then go out and win a national qualifier show.
My goal is to be more strict on my off season diet so that when it's time to hit prep I've got less work to do..
Build enough LBM to sit around 195-200 at 10% (previously around 180 at 10%)
Compete in a PL meet and break 1200lbs
Stay Injury Free
Eat healthy.
My goal is to recover from surgery for a torn rotator cuff, listen to my doctor instructions, be patient and not dive into lifting in March or April, stop crying because I can't lift, stop looking at the guys and ladies lift while I'm on the cardio machines saying I hate you, start focusing on going down on my % body fat, work harder at getting my abs and obliques to become flat, learn as much as I can about what I am putting into my body before I put it in. I could keep going however, don't want to bore you with all of my goals!!!
Looking good guys thats some good goals set.
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