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Thread: How To Research Help

  1. #1
    Fakeazzrock is offline New Member
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    How To Research Help

    If there's one thing I see the most it's either "you didn't do your research did you?" OR "you need to do a little more research before asking these questions"

    So how does one research? I loved biology and anatomy in both high school and college. But once we got into all the chemistry involved in those 200 & 300 level courses, I was done. When I try researching, I read about how and where compounds join in the body. All good info, but where's the starter pack? LOL.

    Let's start with some basics. If I get blood work done, where is it usually cheaper? Walk in clinics, universities, etc? And second, what should the numbers look like? I get blood work twice a year anyways and I have no clue what my over all T is or free form T. And I certainly don't know where it should be.

    Next, help with understanding why or what Test(s) to use. I have read all various forms or names of Test - Cypionate , Enanthate & Proprionate. So let's say I'm ready (I'm not personally), what's the difference and what do I want to use?

    I feel like many of us "don't do the research" because like me we have read about uses, users, stacks, etc. but don't really know why or what educated people are doing.

  2. #2
    Nephets's Avatar
    Nephets is offline Senior Member
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    I would say most people who get the ' do your research' reaction are people who are not only asking very basic questions which have been answered many times on this board, but have either started, ordered, or plan on starting taking gear in the near future. I personally have never cycled because I figured, if I couldn't answer 90% of the questions that come up in this section I had no business cycling. So I consider this my, 'doing my research' phase. You should know what you need to take and why you are taking it and how to handle any problems that may occur when on cycle. Use that time to get your diet and training dialed in so you get the most out of your cycle when you do start.
    Last edited by Nephets; 01-03-2017 at 10:56 AM.

  3. #3
    Nephets's Avatar
    Nephets is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fakeazzrock View Post
    If there's one thing I see the most it's either "you didn't do your research did you?" OR "you need to do a little more research before asking these questions"

    So how does one research? I loved biology and anatomy in both high school and college. But once we got into all the chemistry involved in those 200 & 300 level courses, I was done. When I try researching, I read about how and where compounds join in the body. All good info, but where's the starter pack? LOL.

    Let's start with some basics. If I get blood work done, where is it usually cheaper? Walk in clinics, universities, etc? And second, what should the numbers look like? I get blood work twice a year anyways and I have no clue what my over all T is or free form T. And I certainly don't know where it should be.

    Next, help with understanding why or what Test(s) to use. I have read all various forms or names of Test - Cypionate , Enanthate & Proprionate. So let's say I'm ready (I'm not personally), what's the difference and what do I want to use?

    I feel like many of us "don't do the research" because like me we have read about uses, users, stacks, etc. but don't really know why or what educated people are doing.
    most of your questions will get answered here.

  4. #4
    Fakeazzrock is offline New Member
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    Thanks. That was probably one of the first things I read once joining the forum. And it was awesome. I've seen "help with my first cycle" type posts here and other boards I can't tell you how many times. Nobody ever says "First cycle? Test is all you need bro" like the article here said. While there's still some more research to be done in that category, I guess I feel like it's going to take a while to understand the rest. So besides this forum, what would you google for info? I mean, even understanding basic Test dosing, injections, etc.

    And I ask because honestly, I thought I knew a good amount. Kinda came here thinking about starting my first or maybe even researching PH use and places to get legitimate PH. I start reading and I'm like "damn, I thought I knew about Anavar or Dianobo or whatever"

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Read our stickys tons of info bro.

  6. #6
    Nephets's Avatar
    Nephets is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fakeazzrock View Post
    Thanks. That was probably one of the first things I read once joining the forum. And it was awesome. I've seen "help with my first cycle" type posts here and other boards I can't tell you how many times. Nobody ever says "First cycle? Test is all you need bro" like the article here said. While there's still some more research to be done in that category, I guess I feel like it's going to take a while to understand the rest. So besides this forum, what would you google for info? I mean, even understanding basic Test dosing, injections, etc.

    And I ask because honestly, I thought I knew a good amount. Kinda came here thinking about starting my first or maybe even researching PH use and places to get legitimate PH. I start reading and I'm like "damn, I thought I knew about Anavar or Dianobo or whatever"
    And be active. the more you are involved the more you pick up...the more you pick up the more you can help...the more you help the more entrenched the info becomes. win win for everyone.

  7. #7
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    You have a lot of reading ahead of you, at least 60 hours.

    Your best bet is to come to this forum every day and read.

    There's a lot of horrible outdated information both outside this form and in old posts on this forum.

    Imo stick to reading threads here that are less than five years old and only use outside sources when you want to read more in depth into a subject.

    The least expensive place to get blood work is by your doctor and covered through your insurance, but depending on your location private labs are likely your best option.

    Ideally a first cycle should be test e or c.
    songdog likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Here is your best tool for researching......Advanced Search - Anabolic Steroids - Forums

  9. #9
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Read my blog
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    my blog is also a good resource (in my opinion ) but yea the stickies and reading is ur best bet.

  10. #10
    Fakeazzrock is offline New Member
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    Thanks all. Hopefully only 50 hours of reading... haha

  11. #11
    Coffeehead is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    You have a lot of reading ahead of you, at least 60 hours.

    Your best bet is to come to this forum every day and read.

    There's a lot of horrible outdated information both outside this form and in old posts on this forum.

    Imo stick to reading threads here that are less than five years old and only use outside sources when you want to read more in depth into a subject.

    The least expensive place to get blood work is by your doctor and covered through your insurance, but depending on your location private labs are likely your best option.

    Ideally a first cycle should be test e or c.

    I'm on my first cycle and I can't even tell you how many hours I put in before I felt comfortable testing the waters of AAS. Take your time, get your ducks in a row, educate yourself, then dive in head first. To do so prematurely would be a very bad decision that you may have to live with.

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