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Thread: HCG timing

  1. #1
    Scottishjuicer18 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    HCG timing

    Hi guys

    I inject test enanthate x2 a week (250mg each time) on a Tuesday and Friday. I inject HCG on a Wednesday and Saturday (250iu each time).

    Does it matter I'm not taking the HCG on the same days as the test injections?

    I am also using dbol ED at 40mg (have around 13 days left of dbol and then only test e for remainder of cycle)

    Thanks guys


  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    When used as an on cycle ancillary I don't believe the timing of hcg injection matters much as long as you're feeling alright.

    You're running a cycle that's prone to a high amount of aromatization especially for someone who's 5'8" 250lb with a high amount of body fat.

    What is your AI protocol?

    Are you planning on having mid cycle labs?

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